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"I did take polo lessons and ballroom class, much to my mother's horror." Henry says while stirring the tea. "My father insisted it was okay. That it was perfectly fine that I was intrigued by my roots and that it was good for me to explore and learn. My mother however feared her father would take me away if I showed to much interest in the monarchy." He stops the stirring and sips his tea, which I know is now cold and Henry hates cold tea, but he doesn't even flinch. I'm not sure he even notices. "And I understand her fear. Because for a very long time I did want to go to the palace and become the prince I was born to be. And then I found out I was gay..." He laughs dryly. "Princes aren't allowed to be gay. And that's where my hatred for the heteronormative traditions began."

"Would he had taken you in?" I push the kettle with hot water over to him, so he can heat up his tea again. He smiles appreciatively and pour water then adds another teabag into his cup. Somehow, I think he didn't even realize there was still tea in there. I think I might need to be the one to take charge in every decision-making today. He doesn't really seem to be completely present at the moment.

"Yes, I think he would..." Henry stirs the tea again, sips it and then cusses profusely when he burns himself on the tea, he already has forgotten he just poured.

"Here" I quickly pull an ice cube from the freezer and gives it to him. He puts it on his lip for a moment then into his mouth. We sit silently as the ice cube melts. I reach over and takes his hand, which he lets me, but there isn't much else response to it. I can tell this is something that has been burdening him for a very long time. He probably never even thought he would get to talk to anyone about it. "Do you want me to stop asking?"

He shakes his head, then takes out the remaining of the ice cube and dumps it in the sink.

"No, I want to tell you. No more secrets. Right?"


"The day I found out my heritage, I came home from school with Philip and Bea. Phillp was barely a teenager back then... When we entered the kitchen, this very stoic man was sitting at the table. Proud. Strong. Postured. And my dad introduced him as our grandfather. We could hear our mother sobbing in the bedroom but didn't understand why. The man left shortly after we came home and dad explained to us who he was, and why he was there. He wanted us to regain our royalty, but mom refused to let us. She told us that as long as she was legally our guardian, she would not allow us to set foot in that palace. So, me taking ballroom and polo scared her to death. She knew I was preparing myself to become a prince as soon as I would turn 18..."

"Wow... that's... jeez... Do you ever regret not becoming a..." The word seems to be stuck in my throat but eventually I get it out. "Becoming a prince?"

"No..." he looks lost in thought for a while. "I don't think so." He leans over the table and kisses me. "If I lived in the palace, I wouldn't have you."

"That's true. And what a sad life that would have been for you." I chuckle when he shakes his head at me.

"You would probably have done all right without me." Henry says with a mischievous grin. "You don't seem to need anyone else than your right hand."

"Oh, shut up!" I yell as I blush when thinking back on him catching me full on jerking of to his books. It wasn't my proudest moment.

"But I do remember you having some very creative ideas..."

"Yes...?" the excitement completely takes me over. "Are you up for it? Like, any of it? Because it would be so fucking hot to hear you read those..."

"Oh lord...." Henry rolls his eyes at me, and I realize that once more my brain has short-circuited.

"Sorry." I try to look innocent but fails due to the very hard bulge in my pants.

"When did you go from shy and innocent to this rambling maniac with a sex-addiction?"

"Around the time you fucked me, I think." I pull him closer to me, "or actually, I think I might be the time when you fingered me for the first time..."

"Those two examples were on the same night, love..."

"Then I guess it doesn't matter then, does it?"

"I guess it doesn't..." I can feel Henry's heart beating hard in his chest, and I absolutely love that I can still make him feel this way.

"Soo... are we heading to the bedroom? And the books?" I ask him while already walking him backwards towards my bedroom door.

"I believe we are..." his hands find my pants and slide them down my legs so I can step out of them while still moving towards the bedroom. His hand is on my dick long before we enter the bedroom. I don't even know how it can still function, but then again, it's Henry's hand on my dick. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him, letting him carry me to bed. Then he puts me down gently before leaving the bed to go find the book I chucked through the room.

"Read," he says in a tone that makes my entire body fire up. I locate the page I was at and restart the scene. I read slowly and clearly about the way the prince seduces a young librarian and takes him to the back of the library to fuck his ass up against a stack of books. Henry's mouth is on me the entire time. My thighs, my stomach... even my balls, but never – not even once – on my dick and it is torture. Sweet, sweet torture. Because I know he will take me in his mouth at some point, and I love the anticipation. And the teasing. His teeth find the inner side of my thigh as I'm beginning to describe how the prince is bending over, grabbing a shelve and urging the librarian to fuck him too. Which he does of course. I pause in my reading to stifle a moan.

"Don't stop..."  Henrys voice vibrates against the sensitive skin. "Keep reading."

"Did this happen?" I ask, genuinely curious.


"In this exact way?"

"More or less..." he looks up at me. "It was in the backroom and not in the actual library, but that's not as provocative." His smile is naughty and hot as hell.

"That's still very fucking hot... did anyone see you?"

"Yes... which you would know, if you keep reading."

"Oh..." my cheeks heat up as if I've been scolded by a teacher.

"Read." He says and I obey. His tongue circles the head of my dick as I read about a man in his mid-thirties finding them, watching them and in the end participating. Henry sucks me hard as I read all about how the prince gets filled up by two dicks, whereas one of them continuedly claim to be straight and I have never been this turned on before in my entire life.  I nearly rip the book in half as my orgasm rushes through my body and I come down Henry's throat.

He smirks all to proudly as he climbs on top of me and puts his lips on mine. I wrap my arms around him as my eyes gets heavy...

"You fucking drained me... I need sleep..."

Hi guys
I hope you are enjoying the story 🩷
Since I'm going to a convention in a week, I might not be updating this upcoming week since I'll be busy with planning, packing and quite possibly panicking too.
But when I get back from the convention I'll try and update as soon as the high settles a bit :D
- love, Ayana

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