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I can't believe this inexperienced, dangerously hot and very annoying guy could give me an orgasm of a lifetime.

"Do you need time to recover?" he teases, "or do you want the next one now?"

"All three orgasms are happening today." I pull him onto my lap. "I told you that."

"I know, but you don't look like you can handle anymore..." he mocks.

"Then its good, that I'm not the one getting them."

"What?" utter surprise shows on his face, and I like it. I grab his ass hard, with a cheek in each hand and my fingertips near his crack. Oh, how I wish he was naked right now.

"The next two are for you, love."

"But... it... I..."

"You promised me three orgasms, right?"

"Yes, but..."

"We never specified who was getting them. And you just gave me one magnificent, mind-blowing orgasm. Thanks for that by the way. Now, I want to give you one. You see, I like giving just as much as receiving."

"I guess that makes sense..." he mutters.

"In what way?" I ask expecting some snarky remark.

"It makes sense you are the best I've ever been with... when you like giving and receiving equally..."

"One day, you have to tell me what the hell kind of crappy sexual experiences you have had... it sounds ghastly."

"Not all of them." He says. "Some were good. Others were... questionable." He smiles at me. "But that's a story for another time..."

I instantly senses he doesn't want to talk about it, so I let it be. For now.

"Alright, my time to blow you, love."

"Wait!" Alex shouts as I'm about to switch positions. "I'm not... uhm... I'm not blowjob ready..."


"I need a shower... and maybe a shave."

"Do you honestly think I care about that right now?"

"I care!" he slaps my shoulder.

"Fine." I give up and let him have it his way. "Then let me clean you up..."

"Uhm... what do you mean?"

"Let's get in the shower. I'm going to wash you, shave you and blow you..."

"Why is that so hot..." he mumbles... then shrieks when I get up from the couch, lifting him up with me. "And why is this so hot...?" He wraps his arms and legs around me.

"I don't know... it just is..." I carry him to the shower and sets him down. He lets me wash him, and shave him, even though he blushes through the whole thing. I'm in awe of the trust he puts in me, as I gently slide the sharp shaving tool over his skin, so close to his most sensitive parts.

I put it away when I'm done, then washes him off, removing any excess cream from his skin. I'm transfixed on his cock, that has been hard the entire time. I take my time, licking the head and down the shaft before grabbing the root with my hand and taking him into my mouth. I suck him slowly. I want him to feel every single motion. I use my tongue along with my hand and mouth. He takes in a sharp breath as I slide a finger over his balls before rubbing it against this hole.

"Do you trust me?" I ask and he nods. I adjust the way I sit and bend a knee so he can place one foot on my thigh. He grabs my shoulder and does exactly that. I cover my finger in the lube that I conveniently always have in the shower (much to my sister's horror) and gently covers his hole in it. Then I push the tip of my finger inside and his body tenses as he takes a sharp intake of breath. "Relax love... I won't hurt you." He takes a couple of deep breaths, and I don't try again until he seems to be more relaxed. This time he doesn't tense up just as much.

"Oh, god..." he says when the first inch of my finger is inside him. I pull it out slowly and he lets out a shaky breath.

"Can I do it again, or do you want me to stop?"

"Try again..." he says and tightens his grip on my shoulder.

"Are you sure?" I look up at him. "It's not for everybody."

"I'm sure. Try again." I hold his gaze as I do it again, and this time I brush over his prostate, and I can pinpoint the exact second, he realizes how good it can feel. His eyes blow wide and moans loud enough to surprise himself and then covers his mouth. "Oh, god, what the fuck was that?"

"Your prostate, darling. It's the reason I love it so much..."

"Do it again." He says and I instantly know I have now created fellow slut for bottoming. "Oh fuck...!"

"Straight guys don't know what they are missing, right?" I laugh and he nods frantically with a grin on his face... I fuck him with my finger while watching his reaction to it. I love seeing him explore his own sexuality like this. "Do you want me to make you come like this, or do you want me to suck your dick too?"

"Like this... like you made me do with you..." he pants.

"Then turn around. Let me get a better angle on you." I get up as he turns around, then I bend him over and make sure he arches his back. I use my fingers to fuck him, but I do it in the same position as I would have, if I had fucked him for real. I even use my entire body to push up against him every time I thrust my fingers inside him. My hard dick gets pushed up against his thigh every time and I picture myself fucking him for real. I put my forehead against his shoulder while biting my own lip, so I don't accidently tell him how much I want to fuck him. I continue till he comes for the first time.

I kiss his shoulder as I try to get a hold on myself again, and Alex kindly just lets me rest against him without even moving.

"Can I ride you..." he suddenly asks and I nearly trip, so fast does my head snap up to look at him.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Can I... you know... ride you... in your bed...?"

"Yes!" I clear my throat and collect myself. "I mean, if you want to..."

"I want to..." he says with a very cocky smile. The asshole knows he has the upper hand now. "Next time you can ride me..." he winks at me, then leaves the bathroom and I follow him like the lapdog I am right now.

"Next time?" I ask.

"yes... " he just says.


"You don't do repeats. I know. But yet, here we are."

"Here we are..." I agree. "But these are special circumstances."

"I know... that's why I'm going to let you ride me before we leave Paris. Then you can go back to your preferred lifestyle."

"Let me?" I laugh.

"Yes. Let you. You are dying to do it, aren't you?" he says so confident that I fear, I will never have the upper hand with him ever again.

"I... it..." I pause and then accepts my fate. "That sounds fair..." I say as I let him push me down on the bed, still dripping wet from the shower. "But I might need to sleep in your bed tonight." I try to sound as casual as possible. "This bed is going to get very wet."

"There's time for it to dry." He answers.

"Right... but..."

"No, Henry." He chuckles, "you have your bed, I have mine. Let's keep things separated." He straddles me and I lose all sense of putting words together. He reaches down, grabs my cock like a fucking expert and slowly pushes himself down on it. His eyes roll back in his head as he takes inch after inch, and I watch him completely mesmerized. "Oh, fuck..." he says when he is fully seated.

"Sit still, for a second, love. Get use to the feeling... there's no rush. We have all the time in the world.

He nods, and I see a glimpse of a tear in his eyes. Very slowly I sit up and holds him against my chest. "Are you okay, love? Tell me you're okay." My voice cracks.

"Yes... I am... It just feels..." he looks straight into my eyes, and I know what he means. It just feels right. Because I feel it too. But he won't say it; and I can't.

"I know, love." Is all I say before I kiss him. He kisses me back then starts to move. I hold him against my body as he rides me, our lips connected the entire time. Who needs air anyway?

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