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Leaving Alex at a hotel as I go to the palace with my sister is much harder than it should be. He kind of has this sad you-kicked-my-puppy-look in his eyes even though he keeps insisting that it is fine and that he and Nora can go sightseeing.

"You know I wish I could bring you to the palace, right?"

"Yes, of course." His eyes dart away from me momentarily and then finds their way back to mine. "You do?" he asks with such insecurity that my heart almost breaks. Too often I forget how insecure and shy he truly is, just because he isn't that way around me anymore.

"Of course, I do, love. And I would in a heartbeat, if I was completely sure about what they want from us."

"Okay, good." He still clings to my hand and constantly shifts around, trying to catch a glimpse of anything and everything at once and I know he is feeling very out of his element right now. He doesn't always do well with things deviating from the normal structure.

"Love..." I turn his head, so he focusses on me. "I will be back in a few hours. Go sightseeing with Nora. You'll love it here."

"What if... and this is silly I know, so don't judge, but what if they don't let you go? What if they force you to become a royal and they won't let you see me?"

"Your mind is sometimes a very strange place..." I say and he chuckles, but the fear still lingers. "They can't kidnap me, darling. This is modern society. Not the 1700 or whenever something like that might occur."

"Right... you're right... obviously, they can't just keep you away from me..."

"I'm going to have to bring you, aren't I?"

"Yes... that would be wise." He nods continuously. I really had no idea how much he feared me going to the palace.

"Exactly which show have you been watching?" I ask and he just looks at me utterly confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you are getting this silly idea of me not returning from the palace from somewhere."

"Oh... well, maybe.... Your books."

"Those are fiction."

"But based on facts. And they keep prince charming locked in his room after they find him with the gardener."

"Love, please don't call my character prince charming. Its highly unsettling. And again, its fiction... created for the sole purpose of entertaining."

"So... no one has been locked up in the palace?"

"No, not that I know of."

"Good... great... I'm still coming."

"Of course, you are..." I mutter, then say a little louder, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"If Alex is going, I'm going." Nora demands, arms crossed and ready to fight anyone who disagrees.

"Sure, why not... that probably won't be a problem at all."

"Are you being sarcastic?" Alex asks with a tilted head. "It's hard to tell with your accent." Alex mocks.

"Watch it, darling. It might not be the best idea to insult the British prince." I wink at him and he laughs.

As predicted, the palace won't let Nora and Alex in. And no matter how hard I fight it, the equerry, Shaan, doesn't budge.

"I'm not going in if he isn't allowed." I cross my arms. Alex is nodding frantically right next to me.

Red, White and Royally fuckedWhere stories live. Discover now