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"That was sweet of you." Bea loops her arm in mine. "So, the being friends with an ex is working out fine?" 

"He is not an ex!" I snap at her.

"Okay. Calm down." Bea tips her head and stares at me. "You are normally not this defensive. You've called boys you shagged for exes before."

"Well, we didn't." I try and keep my voice as flatly as I can. I don't want her to start analyzing me.

"Didn't what?"

"Shag, Bea. We didn't have sex. You know that." I sigh involuntarily and she of course picks up on it instantly.

"But you want to..." she smiles and nudges me with her shoulder.

"No." I look over at Alex who is pacing back and forth in the airports waiting area. "Maybe..." I admit, "But I won't."

"Why not?"

"There's no reason to make things more complicated."

"More complicated?"

"Never mind." I slip out of her grasp and walk over to Alex. "You are going to burn a hole in the floor, if you continue this." I say and guide him to a bench. "The plane isn't leaving for another hour. Get some rest."

"I can't." He runs his hands through his hair. It's almost as messed up as the first time I saw him. "I'm gonna call the hospital again."

"Alex, there won't be any news yet. You called them five minutes ago." I say as he leaves.

"I'm calling them!" he shouts, and I decide to let him go. Instead, Bea comes over and I sigh. "Not now, Bea. I'm not in the mood."

"You like him."

"I'm concerned."

"Because you like him."

"He's my friend." I put a warning finger up in front of her. "And don't say it again."

Bea pretends to zip her mouth close as Nora comes out of the shop.

"I brought snacks." She looks around, "where is he?"

"Calling Paris." I say and dig through the mountain of snacks she's put on the table until I find some Jaffa cakes.

"Again..." she sighs. "He is going to make himself go crazy..." Bea puts her arms around Nora and hugs her. "Has he gotten a hold of his parents yet?" Nora asks. Instantly, I get up and mumbles that I have to go to the bathroom, then I walk far away from that conversation. I don't like talking about parents.

When I find a quiet place, I lean against the wall and take a few breaths. This was a bad idea. Why did I buy four tickets? I should have bought three and went home instead. It was a stupid impulse. I'm not sure I can handle this and I'm not really needed here.

"Are you following me?" I open one eye and see Alex standing in front of me.

"No. I just wanted to give the girls some privacy." I lie.

"Are they going at it again?" he asks, and I shrug. "They didn't have any news, by the way." He says and leans against the wall next to me.

"I'm sorry." I respond but he shakes his head.

"It's fine..." he wraps his arms around himself. "No news is good news, right? At least she's not de..." a sob escapes him, and he slides down to sit on the floor. I follow him and put my arms around him, pulling him closer to me. I don't like seeing him like this.

"Everything is going to be fine." I repeat because I don't know what to say. "She is going to be okay."

"Are you going to kiss me again?" He jokes through his sobs, and I laugh.

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