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"Darlin?" I can hear Ellens thick Texas drawl clear from Alex' phone where we accidentally must have answered the call while I'm balls deep inside of him.

"shit..." he mutters, "can you reach my phone?" I have him on all fours on my bed, with his trousers at his thighs, the phone in his back pocket, pressed into my body. I reach down, pull it out and hand it to him like it's an activated bomb, ready to go off.

"Hi ma." He says as casually as he can with my dick in his ass. "Is this important? I'm kinda busy right now..."

"You are not diving headfirst into school assignments again, are you?"

"No...." he draws out the words. "Not head first." He says and I can't stop myself from snickering.

"Hang up..." I whisper as silently as I can, and he nods.

"Ma, I really can't talk... very busy. I've got assignments coming out of my ass."

"Stop it." I chuckle while trying to say quiet.

"Is that Henry I hear?"

"Yea... but seriously ma... very fucking busy."

"Let me say hi to him."

"MA!" he shouts. "I'm fucking busy! Get it...?"

"Oh." The silence that follows is more than awkward. "Call me back... later."

"Sure thing, Ma." And he hangs up with a blush and a grin.

"We need to turn of our phones before fucking from now on." I say and pivot my hips slightly making him moan.

"It's not like you gave me any warning what we were about to do ..."

"That's true." I pull out slightly and thrusts back in.

"Shit..." he lets his upper body drop down on the bed, so he's perfectly angled for me to fuck him just right. "You are so good at that."

I run my hands over his skin, watching him shiver beneath my touch. I still want him as much today as I did the first time, I saw him. And I praise myself lucky.

"I love that breakfast is always just ready, especially when you have worked up an appetite." Alex says as he joins me at the table.

"It is rather convenient." I kiss him when he leans over. "Did you talk to your mother?"

"Yes, she just wanted to know when we'll come visit. Apparently, June misses us."

"Probably me more than you."

"I would tell you to fuck off, but I think you might be right." He pulls me to him by my tie, which he has grown very fond off, it would seem. His soft lips devour mine and I let him kiss me till I'm completely out of breath.

Shaan clears his throat, and we reluctantly pull away from each other. Alex scowls at him, but he doesn't seem to notice.

"There have been some complaints, your royal highness."

"Oh...?" I sip my tea, knowing all too well what these complaints might be and honestly, I don't care.

"Complaints about noises, sir."

"Noises?" I ask innocently while Alex is trying not to spit his coffee over the table in his effort to refrain from give into laughter.

"Yes, your royal highness. Sexual noises."

"Oh that... well," I put my tea down and reach for a croissant, "that's because Alex is a screamer. Quite wonderful, don't you think?" for a second, I can see Shaan almost wavering, but he compiles himself instantly.

"The other residences and visitors would very much appreciate said noises to be... gone."

"Is that so?" now I stare directly at Shaan. "And if I refuse?"

"I..." Shaan looks slightly confused for a second, "then I guess you refuse, your royal highness."

"Good. Then I refuse." Alex is looking back and forth between us, picking out pieces of bread with his fingers and stuffing it in his mouth, like he is watching a tennis match at a stadium.

"Alright sir."

"I think I'm done eating." I look over at Alex who is way to amused by this whole thing. "Are you finished yet, love?"

"What? Yeah sure..."

"Good...come with me." I drag him out into one of the long hallways and push him up against a wall. "I want you to fuck me against every damn surface in this goddamn aristocratic palace. And I don't care who hears us. Bloody assholes!"

"Damn..." Alex's eyes are already beaming with lust. "Just so we're clear. You want me to fuck you to spite everyone in the palace?"


"Awesome, Fucking love doing things out of spite."

Alex spins us around and pushes me up against the wall. My chest and chin are pressed against the cool surface as Alex instantly takes charge and pulls down the pristine and very expensive black pants the palace insists I wear. I shudder as I hear his zipper opening. As usual, he really doesn't need much to get him going and I can already feel the tip of his hard dick sliding in between my cheeks.

"Here," I toss him the tiny travel pack of lube I always keep on me for this exact reason. "Slick me up, darling, and go to town."

"As you wish, your royal hardness." He snickers at his own joke and then I feel the pressure of his finger sliding into me.

"Don't waste too much time." I say and urge him to fuck me harder by rocking myself on his finger. "Actually, just skip to the fucking..."

"Right..." Alex lines himself up with his dick gently probing my hole, but I can feel him hesitating. "I won't hurt you?"

"Alex..." I pant impatiently, "I love the pain... now please put that dick in me, or I will do it myself."

"Right. Yes. Of course." He pushes in slowly – way to slow in my opinion. My anger for this whole damn royalty situation is firing me up and I need an outlet for my anger. I reach back and grabs Alex's hip then push myself back hard, impaling myself on him.

"Oh fuck!" Alex screams loudly, his legs trembling angst mine. "Jesus fucking Christ, Henry. I almost fucking came!"

"But you didn't, so fuck me now!"

I think he can hear the desperation and urgence in my voice, because he does begin to fuck me. So hard and frantic that we would even make a pornstar blush.

Just in spite, I moan and scream and whine as loud as I possibly can, which only seems to turn on Alex even more. And when he finally comes inside me, I do nothing to prevent his semen dripping down onto the expensive pants around my ankles.

Hi guys
So, there seems to be a tie in regards to what people prefer, so I might just do two chapters a day to try and choose a middle ground:)

- love, Ayana

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