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"I tried calling you, darlin." My mom says as I rush into the room. "You didn't pick up."

"I'm sorry. I left my phone in the living room when I... uhm went to bed." I avoid eye contact completely. My sister is half asleep, and I take her hand. She opens one eye and smiles slightly then drifts of again. "When did they reverse the coma?" I ask to steer the conversation away from what happened prior to coming here.

"They began the process this morning...,"

"MA!" I spin to look at her, "why didn't you tell me?"

"Don't interrupt me. Then I will tell you why."

"Sorry." I mumble.

"As I was saying... they began the process this morning but told me to have patience because it can take a while to wake up and I didn't want to worry you. Instead, I decided I would call you as soon as she began to stir. And I did. You just didn't pick up." She crosses her arms "and why was that again?" she asks pointedly, and I know that she knows something is up.

"I... I was busy." I mumble.

"With what exactly?" I glance over at my dad who very obviously pretends to be reading. He dugs down in his chair and holds the book up in front of him. Clearly avoiding being a part of the conversation. "The pretty blond boy?" she asks, and I blush instantly.

"Ma! Please. Stop it."

"Well, he is very cute, I may give you that."

"Please don't." I hide my face in my hands. "Dad, help me."

"With what, son? I think he is very cute too."

"God, I hate you both." I sigh as they just laugh at me. "But seriously, you guys don't mind?"

"Don't mind what, darlin? That your boy is cute? Not at all. It'll make great grandbabies. If you use his genes of course."

"Mom! Seriously!" I blush even harder and one of the nurses pokes her head in and tells us to quiet down. My mom swiftly apologizes. "No, that he is a guy, of course." I say, lowering my voice.

"Why would we have a problem with that, darlin? You are being safe, right?"

"Mom, please. Oh god..." I sigh, "We haven't... you know...and I will be safe if we... but... we aren't even..."

"Full sentences would be a great help, kiddo," my dad interjects.

"We are not together. We just... we just kiss, okay. And let's not talk about it anymore."

"He came with you to Paris, son. To be with you through one of the hardest times in your life. I promise you, you don't just kiss." My dad puts down his book. "You just have to open your eyes and put your faith in that Diaz charm."

"Claremont charm." My mother interrupts.

"Debatable." He says.

"Please don't start." I beg them and they both just fall silent. We all know that they aren't having the best track record in their relationship right now and have been fighting on and off for a while, so even a discussion that has started off as a fun little banter will turn into a full-blown fight. And none of us want that at this moment.

The silence that follows is sickening.

"I think she is sleeping now." I finally say.

"I think so too." My mom puts her hand on my shoulder. "Why don't you go back to your boy and get some sleep... or whatever... and then come back in the morning. When she's awake."

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