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The time has come for June to be transferred back to the states, now that she is strong enough. Which means we all have to go back and I'm beginning to fear returning to our everyday life a little. We have been in this beautiful little bobble where Alex and I could get to know each other without the pressure of work or school or other people. Or temptations... which I would be a fool if I said there wouldn't be any, because of course there will. There always will. And even though I don't think anyone could distract me from Alex, there is a chance that someone could distract him from me. What if he decides he misses being with a woman? What if he decides that my reputation is nothing he wants to be associated with? And... the worst case scenario, what if he finds out the truth about me?

"Alex, go. I'll be fine. Mom and dad will make sure I go to the best hospital. You have to go back to school." June is still in her hospital bed, but she is looking healthy.

I'm standing in the doorway, leaning causally against the frame. Ever since I told Alex about my dad's death, the fear of hospitals has decreased. They don't really bother me anymore. Especially now, seeing June getting her strength. Which is crazy because I didn't even know her before, but now she means so much to me.

"School isn't that important." He is sitting on the edge of her bed, holding her hand with both of his. I accidently make a noise of disbelief regarding to his comment.

"Why are you hanging out back there? Come give your favorite sister in-law a goodbye peck on the cheek. Or I won't let you go home with my brother."

I smile at her and make my way to her bedside, kissing Alex on the top of his head in the process. I lean in and kiss her cheek.

"I'm glad to see you are doing so much better." I say just as Alex pulls me away from her and wraps his arms around me.

"Mine." He says and sticks out his tongue at his sister.

"I would never dream of stealing him from you." She laughs loudly, as I sit down on Alex' one thigh, and he begins complaining that I'm too heavy. "He seems like he is a lot of work, anyway."

"You have no idea." Alex grumbles.

"Behave." I say and wiggle in his lap, intentionally grinding against his crotch.

"Alright, I think you guys need to leave now." June holds a hand in front of her eyes.

"I think so too..." I say as I can feel him hardening. "Before you raise a tent."

"Oh god, please shut up." June pleads. "Go, now!" She scoots Alex of her bed. "I'll see you back home. And bring your boy back home to Texas. He has a lot to learn before he can become a Claremont-Diaz."

"Maybe Alex will become a Fox instead, have you thought about that?" I retort before even thinking about it. "Not that I'm proposing!" I swiftly say when Alex looks at me, slightly baffled.

"Let's just go before you put your foot in your mouth." Alex chuckles.

"Yes please..." I take his hand and we wave goodbye, then we leave to go to the airport.

"Are you in the mile high club?" Alex is leaning casually up against me as he asks this question, and I must admit it takes me by surprise.

"The mile high club...? as in had sex on a flight?" I whisper to him while trying to contain a steady heartbeat. What have I done to this man? This shy, introverted man I met not so long ago.

"Yes, Henry. Are you?"


"Are you lying to me?"


He slaps my thigh and turns in his seat to face me.

"You know you can just tell me those things, right?"

"I don't want to hurt you." I pull him back against me and kiss his temple. "And you are an overthinker."

"I'm not."

"Now, who's lying."

"Fine. I might be an overthinker. But trust me it's worse when I don't know the facts."

"Alright. I will never lie, nor hide anything from you when you ask me." I raise my hand and cross my heart.

"Thank you." He puts my arms around him and nuzzles up against me the best he can. "So, another question... have many have you slept with?"

"Please don't make me answer that."

"Does this fall under the I-don't-want-to-hurt-you-category?"

"Yes." My heart is racing like hell. This is it. He is going to realize I'm damaged goods and that he is better off without me. He is going to dump me before we even reach the states, and I don't have anyone else to blame but myself.

"Okay." He shrugs. "I was just curios."

"So... we are not breaking up?"

"Of course not. Don't be silly." He looks up and down the plane for a moment then whispers to me, "but we are going to join the mile high club together, right now."

"Alex, are you insane. My sister is on the plane."

"So?" he glances at the seat behind us, "she is sleeping and so is Nora. Besides, I want to do everything with you that you have tried with your other partners. And hopefully things you haven't done too." I just look at him in utter disbelief as he sits up straight in his seat. "Meet me in the bathroom in 5 minutes." Then he leaves.

5 minutes go by all too slow, but eventually I get up and follow him. I peek around the plane as I make my way to the bathroom, wondering if anyone notices. But no one seem to be paying me any attention.

I knock on the door, and he opens. He has removed his shirt, and he looks so damn hot I can't even think.

"Hello, fancy meeting you here." I can hear myself sounding ridiculous, but he makes me nervous.

"Come on in, stranger." He says and pulls me in by tugging at my shirt. The room is small. Very limited space. Honestly, I'm not even sure, how the both of us can fit in here. "So how did you make this work last time?"

"Well..." I clear my throat and try to not look at him. "It wasn't a commercial airplane... it was a private plane."

"Are you serious?" he blurts out. "Who did you fuck? Someone famous?"

"I can't really tell you..."

"Wait, why?"

"I signed an NDA."

"Oh, so very famous." Alex bites his lips. "Was he hot?"


"Right... don't ask."

"You, love..." I begin to open his pants. "Will always be hotter than any of my previous partners. And you are the only one who I would be dreaming of shagging in a tiny public flight bathroom." I push the pants down his legs. "Do you understand me?"

"You've made your point clear." He says as I kick his feet apart and place one hand on his cock and reach around to probe his hole with the other. "Cold hands..." he gasps.

"I know..." I smirk at him. "I just like being mean."

"It actually...it doesn't feel bad..." he moans "kind of good..."

"When we get home, I have something to try with you... involving an ice cube."

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