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I've successfully convinced Henry to nurture his talent for writing poems or song lyrics or whatever he calls it, and I'm so proud of him. But now I need to do some kind of research, so I can help and assist or just even talk to him about it. I don't really know anything about poems or songs in that way, so I make a trip to the bookstore. My intention was completely pure to begin with. I swear it was. I really did just come here to find something about poems and how to write them, but now that I'm here, I suddenly find myself in the adult literature part of the store.

The shelves are filled with book after book and my eyes instantly searches for what looks to be series of books. Since I don't know much about his books, I have to go by what I do know. And I know three things.

1.      It is a series of books.
2.      It's a popular series – to a specific reader base.
3.      It's about a young gay man.

Every time my eyes lands on a series, I pull out the first book and read on the back. And every time it isn't the right one, I promise myself it's the last one I'll try, and that I won't be looking anymore. That I need to respect that he doesn't want me to read them... But then I pull out another book, and another book. And despite all my good intentions, I find myself contacting the staff.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a particular series. Can you help me?"

"Of course, sir." The young woman smiles broadly and professionally at me, and I can't stop wondering if that smile will fade once I tell her the themes of the books.

"I don't know the title, or the author's name..."

"Alright, can you tell me something about the storyline?"

I clear my throat, and unfortunately, I can feel myself blushing slightly. I hadn't thought I would do that.

"Yes, its... uhm... it's a young gay man who refuse to live within the norms of the heteronormative society and therefore lives his life with a lot of sexual escapades..." I decide to use what I know about Henry to find the books. He did say he had drawn from his own experiences, so that must be what the book is about.

"Oh, you are talking about The Royals series. It's my favorite series." She says and instantly guides me to a very different part of the store. "I've actually made a display of them, now that his new book gets released soon."

"His what? His new book?"

"Yes. He is such a talented writer, and so fast. This one is said to have been written in less than a month." She hands me the first book in the series. The Prince of England's Hearts – by Arthur Wales. "This was his first book. And it's so good. I just love the main character. He never yields away from who he really is. He just lives his life exactly as he wants too..."

"Yes, well..." my throat is dry as I look at the cover featuring a young man standing in front of a throne. A young blond man, not exactly Henry but there are similarities. Especially In the way he stands with impeccable posture. "I don't think anyone should be afraid to be who they are."

"You are so right." She whispers exhilarated. "And that's why this book is so popular. More and more people in the younger generations don't want to live within the society norms there has been created. They want to break with the traditional way that society expects you to live." She sighs almost lovingly. "Arthur Wales is a trendsetter, and his books are inspiring."

"It seems so..." I look up and down the display she has made and there are a ton of books. "How many books are in the series?"

"Uhm, with the new one, I believe it is twelve."

"Twelve?" my mouth falls open. "He has written twelve books?" I quickly open the covers to search for a publication date. "When was the first published?" I ask.

"Three years ago, I think. But the first three or four was released shortly following each other. Apparently, he had them all finished before signing a publishing contract."

"Damn..." I mutter and she nods.

"I know. He is quite impressive, isn't he? And the fact that no one knows who he actually is... phew." She fans herself, "it's kind of hot, this whole mystery thing."

"That's one word for it." I say twisting and turning the book in my hand. I'm not exactly a fan of all the mystery that evolves around Arthur Wales/Henry Fox. "I would like to buy a copy of the entire series – including preordering the new book."

"Yes, of course sir." She says and begins to pull out books. "Do you want to read the summery for the new release?"

"Yes, that would be great."

She hands me a flyer from the display table. The Lost Heart of The Prince – by Arthur Fox. My mouth instantly dries up. I flip the paper and skim the summery. It's about the prince finding himself falling in love for the very first time and not knowing how to act around someone who suddenly holds his heart.

I'm six chapters in on the first book and I'm already horny as fuck. My dick throbs in my pants as I devour page after page. I thought it would be hard to read about this fictional prince - that is loosely based on Henry – and all his sexual encounters that I know holds some truth to it, but it's not. It's hot as hell. Everything is described in a way that makes it very fucking hot, and not at all vulgar. Not that I normally would mind it being vulgar. This is only because it is my boyfriend.

"Fuck it!" I mumble as the fictional prince is now drilling the stable boy after his polo match and I pull my dick out of my pants. I work my own length as I read word after word, only slowing down when I have to flip a page. I'm not jerking off to chase on orgasm per say, but I do like the feel of my dick in my hand as I read these pages filled with sexual encounters. And during the parts where there isn't any smut, I still keep my dick in my hand. For some reason, it just feels natural.

When the prince finally gets his first bottoming experience, that he has been craving throughout the entire book, I come along with him, screaming out my release... and I'm left feeling just as satisfied as him.

I definitely have to grill Henry about his first sexual experiences some time. I need to know if he was craving to get filled with a dick as much as this fictional prince and if it took him just as long to find someone who would do it, instead of wanting him to top... I'm slightly obsessed and grabs the next book from the bedside table as soon as the first one is over.

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