Chapter27: Time to Celebrate Pt.2

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I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing I was getting a call from Oli.

I groaned and answered it, "Hello?"
"Hey Han, it's me, Ol-" he spoke but I cut him off. "Oli. I have caller id." I joked.

"Right, anyway the band and I are going to be having a party to celebrate the new album around 7PM and I just thought I'd invite you to come along, Cora can come with you as well." he said cheerfully.

"Yeah, sure we'll be there." I answered and hung up the phone rolling over and putting my pillow over my face.

I finally worked up enough courage to get out of bed and get some breakfast.

Cora was already in the kitchen cooking up some chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. "Smells yummy!"

"Oh, good morning sleepy monkey." Cora laughed. She calls me monkey because when I pull on my ears and criss cross my eyes I look like a little monkey.

I sat down at the table while Cora placed a plate of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon in front of me. "Oli called me a bit ago. Him and his mates are having a little party to celebrate their new album, he invited us."

"Are you going?" Cora asked. "We're going, be ready for 7." I winked at her as I took a bite out of my piece of bacon. "But I don't have anything to wear." I dropped my fork in my plate and gave Cora blunt look. "Really? That's your excuse? Have you seen my closet, your just as petite as me my clothes will fit you. Choose whatever you like."

When we had finished eating I scurried to my room with Cora and began to go through all of my clothes. I finally settled on a plain faded orange dress with some black wedges. Cora decided on a pair of my black leggings and a dress top.

I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Once I finished my shower I went back to my room and changed into my outfit for tonight.

Cora then went and took a shower as well while I put on make up in my bedroom mirror. After I finished my make up I began to straighten my hair.

It was 6:30PM and we were both finally ready to go to the party. Cora and I walked outside and go into her car. As Cora started the car it made a strange noise and turned off again. "Hmph, that's weird." she said as she titled her head to the side with her eyebrows all scrunched.

"Great. Now what?" I asked her. "We can always walk?" She suggested. "Walk to Oli's house and make it in 20 minutes? Not going to happen." I sighed.

I called Oli and told him everything about the car and how we have to take a cab so we're going to be there a little later. "I'll just come pick you guys up." "Erm, Are you sure? we can get a cab, you know?" I told him. "Non sense. I'll be there in 10." and with that he hung up the phone.

Cora and I just waited outside of our house for Oli. He showed up in his car and we were off to the party. "Thanks for this." I smiled. "Not a problem." I began to laugh, "Our car sort of broke down out of the blue." I could hear Cora beginning to laugh at the words I just said.

Oli chuckled, "At least it was in your drive and not on the highway." he joked. "That's very true!" We all laughed.

"Here we are." Oli said and he opened the car door for Cora and I. Hm, what a gentleman. We walked into the party before him and were greeted by Jordan, Lee, Kean, and Nicholls.

Everyone was chattering and having some drinks. There were also lots of flashes from people taking pictures on their cell phones and cameras.

After a few hours I ended up some how getting separated from Cora. One minute we were eating candy and dancing and the next she had vanished.

I kept asking people around the party but it was no use since everyone was already wasted.

I couldn't find Oli either. We were all hanging out, took some pictures, then we were in his room 'messing around' and now he's vanished.

Since no one else was sober enough to give me a decent answer I began searching around the house myself.

I walked upstairs into a long hallway with 4 rooms. I heard a girl in the 3rd room over. It sounded like Cora so I knocked and opened the door only to find her locking lips on top of Oli.

I ran downstairs and went outside. I felt sick to my stomach, my heart was heavy and my knees were weak. She was suppose to be my best friend and she knew how I felt about Oli. I thought Oli knew that too. I thought he felt the same way. I don't think I'll ever understand why they chose to hurt me like this..

~*•Longer chapter and this is the most I ever updated in a while, Wooo hooo!•*~

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