Chapter7: You're Not Alone

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As I was driving I had noticed that a tear had escaped from Hannah's eyes.

"You okay, Han?" I asked, Holding her hand because I was concerned.
"Yeah, Fine." Hannah replied, smiling weakly at me then turning to face the window.

She didn't seem fine and she didn't sound fine either. I can tell that she has been thinking about Ryder a lot lately. She doesn't seem herself. She was getting better and came out of that dark place in her life but now I was afraid that she was falling back in it again.

"I'm here if you need to talk about anything, I'll always be here." I told her. "Me too." She said, once again with a weak smile on her face. She looked as though she was going to burst into tears.

I pulled over on side of the road and turned off the car. "What are you doing?" Asked Hannah. "We need to talk." I replied. "Can't it wait until we get home?" Hannah asked.
"No, I really think we should talk now."
"I don't have anything to say. Let's just go to the concert."
"Hannah, what's going on? Are you depressed again? Have you been harming yourself again?"
"No! I already told you I stopped that!" Hannah yelled as she got out of the car.

I got out of the car and chased her. When I caught up to her she told me everything. "It's Ryder. Depression. Anxiety. Fear of loving again or ever being loved. I'm scared. I'm upset. I don't want to continue my life without him any longer. I can't do this on my own." She cried.

"Like I said, I am always here to talk to if you need anyone or anything. Just because we lost contact after everything happened doesn't mean that our friendship is any different than before. You're still like a sister to me and nothing would ever change that. Your life may seem so out of your control and one huge mess right now but I promise you, that if you wait things out it won't be bad forever." I said.

I began to hug her and she hugged me back while crying. I let go of her and wiped the tears from her eyes and she began to smile at me, I smiled back. We started walking toward the car and got in and continued our drive to London.

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