Chapter22: DropDead

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After we kissed we both got off the bench and Oli walked me home. As we walked our hands were intertwined. "See ya tomorrow, babe." he kissed me one last time and went on his way.

When I walked through the door I saw Cora sitting on the couch, she wasn't home when I had left to meet Oli. "Jesus, Hannah! Where the bloody hell have you been?!" She started. "I'm sorry, Oli texted me and asked if I wanted to get lunch with him. You weren't home when I left." I started taking off my jacket and hanging it on the coat rack.

"You could have texted me or left a note atleast.." she said , still sounding upset with me. "I will next time, sorry." Cora is really over- protective of me sometimes but that's how I know she cares. It's good to know that someone cared about me.

I headed upstairs to my room and went for a little nap. I don't really like to speak to Cora when she's in her "Over-protective mother bear" state.

When I awoke I just laid in my bed thinking about Oli and wondering whether I should text him or not. I missed him already. I was startled out of my daydream by Cora knocking on my bedroom door.

"Hey, Can I come in..?" She spoke softly. "Get your ass in here!" I called. She entered my room with a smile on her face and I moved over so she could sit on my bed with me. "So, you and Oli.." she looked at me. "We kissed!" I blurted. "You kissed?!"

"Mhm! Twice!" I said smiling. "I told you he liked you!" Cora smiled and hugged me, I hugged her back. "Come down stairs and watch Frozen with me?" she mumbled. "Of course!" I shouted whilst jumping up to get some snacks ready. Cora followed behind me and went to get the movie set up.

We sang along the whole time during Frozen. I don't know why but I just really loved this movie. I'm not really into musical kind of movies but I just love the sister bond and how much they cared for each other. It sort of reminded me of my relationship with Cora.

When Frozen was over we watched two more movies after that and then went to bed. I had to get some rest for my big day tomorrow.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up around 9AM and made some breakfast for Cora and me. She usually sleeps in til 10 but I woke her up because I know how much she hates eating cold food. After I was done eating breakfast I started getting ready for my first photoshoot for 'DropDead'. "Hey, Cora? We can start on that tattoo when I get back, okay?" I called out. "Alright, doll!" she called back.

I took a shower, got dressed and did my hair and makeup for the day. It was now 11AM and I was getting in the car to drive back to London, where the DropDead studio was. The shoot wasn't until 4 but its at least a four hour drive to get there.

I arrived at the studio and knocked on the door. It was a cool looking place. Oli came to the door and opened it. "You finish the tattoo?" Oli asked. "Haven't started actually. I told her I can start it when I get back." I responded.

"Well, lets get this started, shall we?" Oli smiled at me. "We shall." I winked. He took my hand and led the way. One of his people handed me the wardrobe for this shoot and I went to the bathroom to change.

When I walked out of the bathroom all eyes were on me. I have to admit I was starting to feel pretty anxious. I also felt a little free because I got to pose however I wanted. They told me I was "Photogenic" and didn't need any assistance on what I should do.

For the first few minutes I felt awkward about having people looking at me and taking shots. Eventually I got use to it and started to have a great time in front of the camera. At the end of the shoot I went back into the bathroom and changed back into my original clothes.

They even let me pick out what shots I wanted, Oli helped too. "You did great, love." Oli said and kissed my forehead. I began to blush. We said our goodbyes and I headed back home to Cora to start on her tattoo.

Ugh! I'm sorry like 1000x! I had exams and lots of studying. Trying to find the time to write this and keep my grades up is becoming really overwhelming. I was thinking about focusing on school while I'm doing fairly well for a change. I might put this on hold til March break and just work on it during every break I can get. I would have worked on it more during the weekends but I had recently reunited with one of my really good friends that I haven't talked to in forever and I miss her. Also, I'm having a bit of difficulty with the chapter I'm currently working on! XD I hope you guys aren't too mad at me.. I've just been feeling super overwhelmed with everything and I feel like I don't get to enjoy myself anymore because I'm always writing this(Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy writing for you guys!) and school is a little much for me right now. I just need a while to relax and focus on more important things! I'm sorry:( I love you guys so muuch<3 I'll be back, I promise. :)

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