Chapter9: The "Contest" Thing

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We made it to our destination, wasn't I ever glad. Even though we haven't been driving long it sort of felt like forever. Let's just say I'm not the person to go on a roadtrip with.

Before I could even park in parking lot Hannah had already jumped out of the car! It was still moving! Not very fast but it was still moving. I think she's a little too happy about all this.

"Come on, Cora!" Hannah yelled.
"We still have to check in to the hotel!" I said. "Ugh!!"
She was so eager to start walking around and trying to spot any band members, if they were here yet.

Hannah and I grabbed our things out of the car and walked into the hotel to check in and get settled before heading out.

Hannah had been checking her phone like every 5 seconds to see if anyone from the band had tweeted where they currently were.

We walked into the lobby of the hotel and I got us checked in while Hannah on the other hand was still Twitter stalking.

"Your room number is 115, Enjoy your stay." The lady at the check in told me as she handed me the keys to our room. "Thank you." I said, smiling at her.

When we got to our hotel room I started unpacking some things I would need for later. "Hannah, aren't you going to start unpacking anything?" I asked her. "No, I can do that later. I'm ready to go out!" She replied. "Okay. Well, I'm unpacking first." I insisted. "Ugh, fine."

I was almost done unpacking when I heard Hannah scream. "What's wrong?!" I turned to her in a panic. "OLI JUST TWEETED THAT HE'S HAVING A CONTEST FOR A NEW MODEL TO MODEL HIS CLOTHING LINE, "DROP DEAD!" I JUST NEED TO SUMBUT SOME MODELLING PICTURES AND TWEET THEM TO HIM TO ENTER!" She screamed in excitement.

"Hannah, Chill. We just got here we don't want to get kicked out already, especially a day before the concert."
"You're right." she said trying to calm down. "If you want, I could help you pick out some outfits and take some shots of you." I suggested.
"Thank you so much!!" She replied while squeezing me to death. "Anytime."

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