Chapter17: Take My Hand Give Me A Reason To Start Again

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"Come on, Hannah!" I heard Cora call from a distance. I finished my make up quickly and started pouncing down the stairs behind Cora.
We got into the car and were on our way to the venue.

I'm not entirely sure why but I've been getting these weird butterflies in my stomach recently. It was even worse the closer we got to the venue. Maybe it's just because this is the first concert I ever been to, I thought.

We have made it to the venue. I haven't saw anyone of Bring Me The Horizon leave the hotel yet. I guess they'll be here in a little bit.

Cora & I had begun walking around as we waited patiently for it to be 3:15. There wasn't that much excitement going on. Suddenly I was startled by the whole crowd screaming. I looked around to see what everyone was screaming about and thats when I saw Bring Me The Horizon pull up.

The band jumped up on the stage and the crowd got even louder. Oli started to speak, "How are we doing today?" The crowd screamed in response. "This is a song that isn't quite finished yet but it's something that we're working on for our new album, Sempiternal. We thought we'd play a bit for you guys, I hope you like it."

The instrumental had begun and everyone stood quietly to listen as they swayed their arms back and forth to the rhythm of the song. Instead of screaming Oli just sang.

The second verse of the song came around and Cora had thrown me onto her shoulders. We were pretty close to the stage. Oli reached out and locked his fingers with mine whilst he looked into my eyes and sang, "On my death bed, All I see is you. The life may leave my lungs but my heart will stay with you...".

He then smiled at me as he let go of my hand and continued the rest of the song. I just kept smiling like an idiot. The butterflies in my stomach suddenly grew. Do I like Oliver? I asked myself and completely forgot where I was until the song stopped and the crowd started to scream. The concert went on and I was still stuck with that thought.

When everything was over everyone lined up over at the signing table. Cora was now becoming a BMTH fan, finally. She lined up at the signing with everyone else. I quickly ran up to her before the band got to the table. "Cora, do you think you could get them to sign this?" I asked her, handing her a BMTH poster. "Uh, Yeah, Sure." She answered, a little confused.

I wanted to go line up but I was beginning to feel too anxious. Maybe I do like him. I'm already trying my hardest to avoid him. I remembered that I had felt this way when I first met Ryder. I wanted to be around him but didn't at the same time because I became too nervous. A few days later I realized that I had feelings for him. That's usually how it goes. I'm probably just feeling lonely and in need of feeling loved by someone. I haven't been the same since his funeral.

When the signing was over and everyone had left Oli made his way over to me. I felt my stomach tie in knots. I thought I was going to be sick. I turned to look at Cora in hopes that she would tell me that he'd kept walking. Nope.

"Hey, Hannah!" Oli smiled at me.
"Oh, hey Oli." I said trying to cover up my nervousness. "I just wanted to tell you that I would like you to be a model for DropDead." He said.
"Oh, Um, Of course." I smiled. "Great. I'll see you around." He smirked at me and handed me his number. I felt happy and still nervous all at the same time. "Yeah, see you around."

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