Chapter11: You Signed The Line

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"Hey, Cora? Can we stop here for a bit?" Hannah asked. "Uh, yeah, sure." I replied, looking at her strangely.

"Yay!!" Hannah squealed as she ran into the store. I stopped to look at the shirts and hoodies in the window then I had put the pieces together. Hannah wanted to stop here because there was Bring Me The Horizon merch here. "Yup." I sighed to myself.

As I walked in I saw that Hannah had already snatched a bunch of merch and was just making her way to the changing rooms. I may not like the band all that much but their clothing is kind of cool.

"These clothes are actually pretty cool. I think I'll buy some of this." I admitted. Wow that sounded weird to say. Hannah smiled at me as she disappeared into the curtains of the changing room.

Just as I was looking for a couple more shirts a tall lanky tattooed guy with wavy dark hair came walking into the store with another guy who was a bit shorter and covered up with ink as well but not nearly as much as the first guy.

They looked oddly familiar but I couldn't understand where I had noticed them before. Oh well, it's probably just nothing, I told myself.

I continued looking through the shirts as I tried to listen to their conversation that they were having with the cashier. Although I couldn't figure out who they were there was something that made me want to have an interest in them.

Suddenly I heard a weird "Pssst!" noise coming from the changing room area. Must be Hannah, I thought and indeed it was.

"What?" I asked in sort of a whisper.
"That's Oli & Matt Nicholls from Bring Me The Horizon!" She whispered sort of loudly and I looked back to see if anyone heard. No one did.

"Aren't you going to say something to them??" I asked her.
"Are you kidding?! I can't go out there ! I'll freakout! They'll think i'm crazy!" She nearly came out of a whisper.

I hauled her out of the changing room she had been in and dragged over to Oli & Nicholls. "Hello, this is my bestfriend, Hannah. She's a big fan." I explained to them as Hannah nearly fainted.

"Would you like a picture with us, love?" Oli asked Hannah and I thought for sure she was going to die at any moment now. "She would love too!" I answered for her. "She can be a little shy sometimes." I smiled at them. They nodded understandably.

Hannah took out her phone as Oli & Nicholls got closer to her. I took her phone and snapped a picture as she was too shaky to do so herself. They noticed she had been shaking so they hugged her and she started to cry a little bit.

I took more pictures without them knowing as everything was going on and I thought Hannah might thank me later for taking pictures of all these sweet moments.

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