Chapter28: What An Awful Mess I've Made

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Hannah, Cora, and I all entered the party and began greeting people.

Hannah and Cora went off and started dancing and eating candy while I started taking shots.

"Can I get you ladies something to drink?" I asked them. "Alcohol, please." Said Cora. "How do you like your drinks?"

"Surprise me." she winked.
"Yeah, same here." smiled Hannah.
"Coming right up." I said walking away from the girls and toward the drinks table.

I mixed up their drinks and took another shot before walking back over to them. "Here you are." I grinned handing each of them a drink and getting a thank you from each.

<~*•2 hours later•*~>

Everyone was beginning to get pretty wasted by now. Hannah and I danced together for a bit then went up to my bedroom.

I got so drunk I blacked out for a bit and woke up in bed with Cora next to me.

"Oh Good, you're awake." she said smiling sweetly at me which caused me to get shivers down my spine.

"What happened? Why am I here?" I started looking around and noticed that I was in my room. But why?

"You and I came up here last night."
"What? What do you mean? Oh god, where's Hannah?!" I was yelling at this point. I can't remember anything that happened in here.

"Don't worry about it. Hannah is fine." Her voice was sounding so monotoned.

I got up from my bed and walked to the door and opened it. "Get out."
"Oli, I-"
"Get the fuck out." I pointed to the opened door.

"Fine. I was going to leave anyway." She said as she was walking out the door. "Uh-huh." I slammed the door behind her.

I called Hannah over and over and she wouldn't answer.

I walked downstairs to find the rest of the band crashed out on random pieces of furniture. This place is a goddamn mess.

I let everyone sleep and began cleaning. I couldn't stop thinking about Hannah and what happened with Cora. Did she take advantage of me? Did Hannah see us? So many questions taunted my mind. I felt so sick to my stomach.

~*•Almost 30 chapters already!
Also, Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian readers:)<33 •*~

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