Chapter19: Just Go With It

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"Should I text him?!" I woke up the sound of Hannah's voice as well as her jumping on me trying to wake me up so I could pay attention to her.

"Go ahead." I mumbled into the pillow. I am not a morning person especially when someone wakes me up. "Come on, Cora! I'm freaking out about this." She whined poking at me.

"Do you like him?" I said getting up in the bed. "Well, Of course. He's a cool guy." She replied. "No, Do you LIKE LIKE him?" I asked whilst raising an eyebrow at her. "I don't know.." she shrugged her shoulders. "Just text him!" I began encouraging her.
"What if he doesn't text back?"
"Trust me, He will."
"I can't!" Hannah said dramatically.
"Give me that!" I yanked her phone out of her hand and texted "hey:)"

Hannah was struggling to get her phone back but I didn't give it to her until the message sent because she probably would have found a way to stop it from sending. "Here you go." I said handing her back her phone. "Thank you." She said smiling sweetly at me until she saw that I had texted Oli. "Cora!!" Hannah yelled as I went to get in the shower. "Love you!" I yelled back at her and heard her groan.

Whilst I was in the shower I started thinking about getting another tattoo. I wanted to get one for a while now. I had a rose tattooed on my forearm and a little anchor on my thumb. I really wanted to get some kind of interesting design done on my leg but I wasn't sure what.

I got out of the shower and asked Hannah if she had anything I could get tattooed on my leg. She was a tattooist and often had a handful of different designs. She pulled out a scrapbook with a load of her designs and I began flipping through them. "If you like anything just let me know." She told me. "Will do."
I heard Hannah's phone go off and she got up to check it.
"It's Oli!"

(•~A/N•~) Sorry this was so short and wasn't all that interesting. Cora doesn't have much happening for her in the story right now so it's a bit difficult to write her POV. She won't be in this story too much since I am mainly only focusing on Hannah & Oli as it is a fanfic of them. Interesting things are happening soon!! xox

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