Chapter5: Let's Go

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~**A day before the concert**~


Hannah had called me earlier this morning and insisted that we leave today. "The band members could be wandering around!" she insisted.

I've had all my things packed for about an hour now. I was just waiting on Hannah to show up so we could finally leave for our destination. she always takes the longest to get her suitcase packed.

Hannah had given me a few Bring Me The Horizon song suggestions to TRY and listen to all morning to get use to what I'm going to be hearing tomorrow.

I have to admit some of their songs have a interesting sound to them. I guess they weren't all THAT bad of a band. I'm just not the type of person for screamo. I have to admit their drummer was pretty cute. :$

Hannah was taking forever so I decided to give her a call. I sighed as it continued to ring when finally she answered. "What's up?" she asked. "Waiting for you to get over here so we can leave!" I replied. "Alright, Alright. I'm on my way. It seems like you're more excited for the concert than I am!" She joked and hung up.

Hmm. In all honesty I guess I was pretty excited for the concert. :)

~**A/N**~ I don't know if anyone is even still reading this, tbh. It will get better soon! I also haven't updated in a few days because I have to study for tests and I've been really stressed out. Also, I am having some issues with Wattpad. Also, I apologize for the short chapters theres not much to write right now but its about to get better! Things are a bit lighter now so I should be able to update more! :) xo

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