Chapter18: Deathbeds

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"I sort of like Hannah." I told my mates as they all stared at me anxiously. "Ah huh! I knew it!" Nicholls jumped up while shoving his finger in my face. I pretended that I was going to bite his finger and he quickly pulled it away from me. Our band can be a little childish sometimes but that's just who we are.

Just then the door of our hotel room flung open. "OKAY SERIOUSLY SOME PEOPLE IN THIS HOTEL ARE TRYING TO SLEEP! CAN YOU PLEASE KEEP IT DOWN!" We heard somebody yell. I got up and went to the door to see who it was. There she was. I quickly spoke, "We're sorry, Love."
"Oli...?" I heard her little voice. "Hannah?" I replied. She looked a little worried for a second. "Wow, Um, I'm sorry about that. I'm just really tired an-"

"It's alright." I cut her off and began smirking. "Okay, well, I'm gonna head back to bed now. Cya around." She said as she began walking away. "Cya." I said. I couldn't help but stare at her as she walked away. I liked the way the ink on her body stood out so boldly against her pale skin.

After Hannah left I closed the door and told the rest of the guys to be quite. Just as I was doing so Kean burst through the door and I had to tell him the same thing. They all agreed to keep it down and that it was time to get some rest for our show tomorrow.

The next day we got up and started arguing about who should get to shower first. That's a normal thing for us. Once we had all taken a shower we left for the venue.

We were just a tiny bit late arriving to the venue but when we had pulled up everyone began to scream. The band and I had all decided that we should perform a song that we are currently still working on for our new album coming out soon called "Sempiternal." We haven't even gotten a name for the song yet.

We jumped up on the stage as the crowd got even louder. "How are we doing today?" I asked into the mic. The crowd screamed in response and I continued, "This is a song that isn't quite finished yet but it's something that we're working on for our new album, Sempiternal. We thought we'd play a bit for you guys, I hope you like it."

As the band began to play the instrumental and I sang, the crowd swayed their arms back and forth. When the second verse of the song came around I noticed a familiar face poking up from the crowd. It was Hannah. I then looked down a little more and noticed Cora holding Hannah on her shoulders.

I don't know why but I got this urge to hold her hand. I locked my fingers with hers whilst looking into her eyes and sang, "On my deathbed, All I see is you. The life may leave my lungs but my heart will stay with you..." I smiled at her as I gently let go of her hand. She kept smiling at me. I continued the last bit we had of the song so far. After a few more songs we did a signing. Everyone scurried over to the table where the band and I had sat.

I spotted Hannah with Cora again. I had completely forgotten that I was even suppose to be signing. "Um, Mate?" Jordan nudged my arm. "Yes?" I asked then realized where I was. "Oh! Sorry about that." I said and we all continued on. That was embarrassing I thought to myself.

Next in line was Cora but no Hannah. We all signed her things and she explained that her friend was too nervous. Hannah tends to be a bit nervous, I noticed. I wonder if she feels the same way I feel about her..

When the signing was over and everyone had left I decided to go talk to Hannah. I want her to model my clothing. She's cute, pale, and tiny. I think it would also be a good way to get closer to her. Maybe we could start hanging out or something.

"Hey, Hannah!" I said. "Oh, hey, Oli." she replied. "I just wanted to let you know that I'd like you to model for DropDead." I said. "Oh, um, of course." Hannah replied. "Great. See you around." I said, slipping her my number. "Yeah, See you around."
As we got all of our things into the van I couldn't stop thinking about her or when or if she was even going to text or maybe call me.

On the way back to the hotel I just kept looking at my phone every time it went off in hopes that it would be her. "Everything alright , Mate?" Lee asked me. "Yeah, everything's cool." I reassured him. He looked at me strangely and looked away again. We arrived to the hotel and all went to bed since we had an early flight tomorrow. When I got up around 5:43 AM to use the bathroom, I saw that Nicholls was still awake. "What's going on?" I whispered. "I don't know , I just can't sleep." He sighed. I went back to bed for the rest of the time that I had before we had to gather up our things and head to the airport.

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