Chapter20: Stomach Tied In Knots

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I was so extremely nervous to text Oli. It all just felt so surreal to me. Cora yanked my phone out of my hand and I struggled to get it back from her. "Here you go." She said handing me back my phone after about a minute. "Thank you." I said smiling sweetly at her until I saw what she had done. "Cora!!" I yelled at her as she walked to the bathroom to shower. "Love you!" She yelled back at me and all I did was groan.

I was getting more nervous after everyone second that passed by. What if he didn't text back? What if it's not his number? I kept worrying myself with all these questions that were flooding my mind.

When Cora got out of the shower she had asked me if I had any designs for a new tattoo she wanted to get on her leg. Of course, I did. I'm a tattooist, I have tons. I pulled out my little scrapbook of some recent designs that I have been working on. "Let me know if you like anything." I told her. "Will do."

Just then I heard my phone go off. I was nervous to even go get it. I got up and made my way to my phone. It was Oli. Hey(: I'm sorry I couldn't text you back, love. I was on a flight. -Oli
I began to text back. That's okay, I understand:) -Hannah

I went back over to Cora to check if she had found anything she liked.
"Like anything?" I asked. "Just about everything, these are great, Han!"
I smiled. "Thank you." My phone went off again and I got up to check it.
How are you, babe?

"Babe", Why is he calling me "babe"? I thought. Does he call everyone that? So many questions flew through my head and some made me feel a little sick to my stomach.

I'm cool, thanks. & yourself?

He texted back almost instantly.

I'm good. I was thinking maybe we could start your first shoot Friday of next week?:) -Oli

Ready whenever you are:) -Hannah

Alright, Cool. I'll call you at some point and give you the info. -Oli

Okay, Great! -Hannah

Cora and I were getting ready to pack up and leave the hotel soon. The first shoot was only a week away. I was so nervous. "He wants to start my first shoot next Friday." I told Cora. "Well, that sounds fun!" she hugged me. "I'm so nervous." I said hugging her back.

"Don't be, doll." I felt her lips press against my forehead. Cora wasn't even like a friend to me, she felt like more of an older sister or a close aunt of mine. She was always here when I needed her, that's what I loved most.

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