Chapter8: It's Gonna Be Okay

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It was silent for only a moment before Cora began talking again. "I'm here if you need to talk about anything, I'll always be here." She told me. "Me too." I said, once again smiling weakly at her.

I closed my eyes and laid back for a moment trying to hold in everything that was dying to burst out. Suddenly, I felt the car come to a stop. I opened my eyes to find that Cora had pulled off the road.

"What are you doing?" I asked.
"We need to talk." Replied Cora.
"Can't it wait until we get back home?" I asked, feeling annoyed with her. I was upset and didn't feel like being bothered right now.

"No, I really think we should talk now." Cora sounded upset with me.
"I have nothing to say , Let's just go to the concert." I said, avoiding eye contact with her.

"Hannah, what's going on? Are you depressed again? Have you been harming yourself again?"
"No! I already told you I stopped that!" I yelled and got out of the car.
I hate when she brings that up. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. Sometimes I wished that I had never told her about my self-harm.

When I stopped running I heard a car door slam and footsteps coming up behind me. Before she could say anything, before I could even stop myself, everything came out of me.

"It's Ryder. Depression. Anxiety. It's the fear of loving again or ever being loved again. I'm scared. I'm upset. I don't want to continue my life without him any longer. I can't do this on my own." I cried. I heard Cora sigh in disappointment.

"Like I said, I am always here to talk to if you need anyone or anything. Just because we lost contact after everything happened doesn't mean that our friendship is any different than before. You're still like a sister to me and nothing would ever change that. Your life may seem so out of your control and one huge mess right now but I promise you, that if you wait things out it won't be bad forever." She told me.

Just hearing her say that made me cry even more. We were now hugging each other and I cried into her. She wiped the tears from my eyes, I smiled at her. We were now walking back to the car and ready to continue driving to London. I felt a lot better about everything now. I'm glad she bugged me to talk to her. She was just doing what was right.

When Cora got into the car she immediately turned on my BMTH CD. I looked at her strangely and then chuckled at her. She really was the best friend ever. She turned the music up louder and mumbled along pretending to know the words. I just smiled at her and sang along.

When we were on the highway I rolled down my window and rested my head back on the seat of the car. I loved the way the wind blew through my hair. I closed my eyes and it felt like I was floating off into the distance. It was nice. For a moment I couldn't feel anything but a sense of relief.

**~A/N~** I'm trying to update ASAP but lately I have had tests coming up so I need to study :/ Sorry for the lack of updates!

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