Chapter2: Heres Goes Nothing

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I have been up all night contemplating on whether or not I should be a good friend and go to a BMTH concert with Hannah. I want to do the kind of thing that a good friend would do but I'm really not into that band or anything band in particular for that matter. She's been bugging me non-stop about it for the past week.

I got out of bed and took a shower. When I got out I combed my hair back and put on my makeup. I didn't really feel like getting completely dressed this morning so I put on some underwear and a tank top
then slipped on my robe along with my furry bunny slippers.

As I made my way to the kitchen to grab some breakfast there was a knock at my door. Who the hell would come to my house at 7:20 AM?

I opened the door to find Hannah standing on my front porch holding up MacDonalds and waving it in my face. "You hungry?" She asked knowing that I would be.

I snatched the bag out of her hand and opened it to find 2 chicken wraps with large fries sitting at the bottom of the bag. "Thank you! I'm so hungry!" I said and began to eat while inviting Hannah inside.

"So..." Hannah began. "Yes?" I asked. "I know you've said no a thousand times but I wanted to ask y-"
"Omg, Hannah, Fine! I'll go with you to that concert!" I exclaimed cutting her off. The look on her face was priceless. She looked just like a child when their moms tell them that they're going on a vacation to DisneyLand. "Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!" She exclaimed as she hugged me so tight that I could almost feel my food coming back up.
"Okay, Hannah, You can let go now."
"But I can't!" She said smiling big. "Seriously, You're going to make me throw up!" I shouted but not in an angry way.

Hannah finally let go of me and my stomach was still a little bit queazy so I had put the rest of my MacDonalds away for later when I wouldn't be getting my insides squeezed out of me by my best friend. I guess it wouldn't hurt to go to one little concert, right? "It's just one day for a few hours" I kept telling myself.

I need to do this for her. I don't want to have to live with the guilt of not doing something that would have made her more happier then she's been in months ever since what happened with Ryder. I wanted to help her do something to ease her pain. I'm her best friend and if me being with her at some concert with her favourite band made her happy then I'll just have to suck it up.

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