Chapter14: I think I May Be Inlove With You

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It's been almost a week since I had announced that a contest was being held for someone to model at 'Drop Dead'.

My Twitter has been blowing up ever since. I have to keep checking it every once in a while. I started looking at some entries and picked out some of my favourites that could be a possible winner so far.

As I was scrolling through the entries I got another notification that someone tweeted me. I clicked on it and saw the same girl that I had just met a few hours ago at that store that was selling our merch.

I did nothing but stare at her. She was so beautiful.
"Ouu, Whose that?" Kean asked.
"Whoa, hey Oli, Isn't that the girl we met like yesterday?" Nicholls asked but I wasn't paying attention to anyone but her.

"Hello? Earth to Oliver!" Nicholls was now waving his hand around in my face trying to get my attention.
"Sorry, What?" I asked snapping out of my gaze. "That girl? Didn't we just meet her recently?" He asked. "Uh yeah, I think so." I replied trying to cover up my possible feelings for her.

I don't want anyone to find out that I may like her. I mean, I just met her. It just seems to strange for me to get feelings for someone I just met for a quick second, Especially if their a fan. Not that there's anything wrong with dating a fan or anything but it's just unusual to me.

"So, who is she, mate?" Kean asked, raising an eyebrow at me. "Nicholls and I just met her at a store, that's all." I said hoping no one would ask further questions. "Okay, well whoever she is, she looks good in your clothing." Kean winked at me and walked out of the hotel room to walk around for a bit.

When Kean went out of the hotel room I felt so relieved. No Kean, no questions. At least that's what I thought. "So, seeing a particular "someone", are we?" Nicholls asked whilst he stared at me with an eyebrow raised. "Nah, it's not like that, Mate." I replied trying hard to avoid the questions.

Suddenly I was being bombarded with pillows by Nicholls, Lee, and Jordan. I started laughing and picked up a pillow and started hitting them in the face with it and laughing as they fell back. "Tell us who it is, Mate or we won't stop." Jordan said as they all starting attacking me with pillows again.

"Okay, Okay! I'll tell you guys but don't say anything to anyone. If Kean finds out he'll tell everyone in the street!" He was a good friend but when it came to this sort of thing he had to tell everyone about it.
"Alright. They all said nodding in agreement.

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