Chapter21: I Got To Know You

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*1 Week later*

We're finally done with the last bit of concerts we had. The band and I were so tired and have been working hard on our new album. When we were done with our recording for the day. Since all my mates were going to run off with their girlfriends, I decided to text Hannah.

Hey, I was thinking maybe we could grab some lunch and discuss your shoot for tomorrow? (:

Yeah, Sure!:)

Meet me at the park in an hour?


It was only Thursday and the shoot wasn't til tomorrow but I just had to make an excuse to see her again, I couldn't wait one more day. It's been an exhausting week and I should be resting right now but I just can't.

I took a quick shower and threw on some black skinnies, a black muscle shirt with a red and black checkered plaid shirt over it and some boots. I put on some cologne and brushed my teeth even though we were going to be eating, I still didn't want bad breath or anything like that.

It was now 11:42AM so I started walking to the park to meet Hannah. I was really hoping to get to know her more today, I wanna be close with her.

I arrived at the park and sat on a bench, it was now 11:57 AM. I didn't see any sign of Hannah anywhere. Maybe she stood me up? Why would anyone as beautiful as her want to eat lunch with me anyway? I started to become insecure as time passed and she still didn't show. I got up off the bench and began walking around to see if I could spot her anywhere. My phone started to vibrate in my back pocket. It was a text from Hannah.

I'm going to be a few minutes late, I'm sorry!

Yeah, its okay.

I felt so relieved that she hasn't stood me up. I walked back over to the bench and sat down again whilst I waited impatiently to see her sweet face.

Just then I saw her walking towards me and I got up again to meet her.
"Ready to go, Beautiful?" I asked , smiling at her. She smiled at me then nodded shyly at me as she blushed.

As we walked I had to keep myself from holding her hand. I wanted to hold her hand but I don't want to scare her off or anything. A thought had occurred to me that I never thought before. Maybe she has a boyfriend? Why would should agree to this if she did? Does she feel sorry for me?

Every time things were starting to go good I always had to screw it up by overthinking and underestimating myself.

We arrived at a diner and just grabbed a sandwich each. We sat outside at a little table. "How about we start the shoot around 2PM?" I suggested. "I promised Cora that I would start to tattoo her around 1:30 tomorrow, I'm not sure when I'll be done but I'll try to make it." she replied. "No worries , Love. We can start at any time tomorrow. So, you're a tattooist?" I looked at her raising an eyebrow.

She giggled sweetly and nodded as she swallowed a bite of her sandwich. "That's really cool. I love tattoos, If you couldn't tell already." I said laughing a little and she did the same. "Maybe you could tattoo me sometime." I smiled. "Yeah, for sure."

Everything went silent and we just starred into each others eyes. Out of no where the question blurted out of me. "You seeing anyone?"
"No." She replied. Her eyes left mine and the smile on her face had faded. "I'm sorry If I offended or anything.." I spoke. "No, that's not it."

I reached across the table and held her hands in mine. "You can tell me anything, Don't be scared." I reassured her. "Things are just different now. Before I met you, I was with someone else for almost 3 years." She looked so saddened. "What happened?" I looked at her. "His mom died and I guess he couldn't handle it. Everyday he pretended to be okay for me, But I knew he was hurting and there wasn't much I could do.." She started to cry.

I got up still holding her hand and she got up too. We walked back to the park and sat on the same bench that I was sitting on while I was waiting for her. "I'm so sorry, I di-"
"No, It's okay. You didn't know. You were only trying to be there for me." She cried cutting me off.

I held her tight in my arms as she cried. I felt so shitty for even asking. You're so stupid, Oliver, I said to myself. I began to rub her back in attempt to soothe her. A few moments later I couldn't hear her cry anymore. She looked up at me and I let go of her a little.

We just awkwardly stared at each other and I couldn't help but gently grab her face and kiss her. I was shocked by my own action and a little worried about what she would say when this was over. As I was about to end the kiss she deepened it. I felt her smile against my lips and I began smiling too.

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