Chapter23: Mystery Voice

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After the shoot was over and Hannah had left, I began to feel a little sad. I know that we're not dating or anything but I would like us too. I'm just really nervous around her sometimes and I do and say stupid things.

I always want to talk to her and hang out with her but I didn't want to seem overly attached or anything. As we are just 'friends'. I think she likes me though, it's pretty obvious I like her. I just hope she feels the same way..

The shoot went great and Hannah looked beautiful, I couldn't stop starring at her. I looked at the pictures from todays shoot once more then locked up the shop and hit the road.

As I drove I thought about the album the band and I have been working on. The song 'deathbeds' really meant something to me but it didn't sound quite finished or how I wanted it to.

I was thinking about having female vocals in the song but I haven't found anyone to sing it yet. I was going to ask lights if she wanted to come sing on the album again but I wanted someone different this time. I mean, Lights has a wonderful voice but I just wanted a different voice for this song.

I woke up the next day, took a shower, and put on the nicest clothes that I could find in my closet. I was going to see Hannah today so she could do some touch ups on my tattoos that are in the palms of my hands. They were starting to fade and it looked bad. I asked her a few days ago and she agreed so today was the day that I was getting them redone.

My hair was such a mess today, I really needed a new hair cut. There were curls and waves poking out every which way. I found some gel in the medicine cabinet and attempted to tame my hair with it.

That was a bad idea because it just made my hair look too flat to my head. Out of all days that I could have a bad hair day, it had to be today. I stopped stressing about it though, once I realized that I could just wear a beanie to cover it up for the day.

I started my car and drove to Hannah's house. I was actually pretty nervous about getting my tattoos redone because I remember when I first got the tattoos done on the palms of my hands and it hurt more than any others that I got done. I mean, it wasn't too bad but it made me flinch a little. I didn't want to seem like a wuss in front of a girl , especially this one.

I walked up the steps to her door and rang the doorbell. Cora answered the door. "Hello, Oli!" She said in a cheery voice. "Is Hannah home?" I asked her.
"She's in the shower, she should be out any minute now. Come in!" Cora replied as she yanked my arm and began leading me into their home.

Cora sat me down on their couch and began to offer me a million things to which I replied, "No thank you, I'm good." to all of them. I heard the shower turn off and knew that Hannah was going to be out any minute now.

I began checking my Twitter and that's when I heard a familiar voice. "Let's get started, shall we?" I looked up to see Hannah smiling down at me. I lifted myself off the couch and followed her to her office.

She began getting all the ink ready while I took my sweatshirt off and sat down. Once she got all the ink ready she sat down by me and laid my arm across the table. She laid my hand out and began tattooing. I began to flinch a little, she giggled. "Hurts a bit, doesn't it?" she asked. "Yeah, it's alright." I responded.

Hannah began to quietly sing a song and I just sat there listening to her as she tattooed my hand. "You have such a pretty voice." I smile at her. She began to blush. "Not really but thanks." she smiles, still blushing a little. "You like to sing?" I ask. "I just do it for fun, like most people." she replies focusing hard.

"Good as new!" Hannah declares happily. "Thank you." I say while getting up to my sweatshirt back on. I was just about to leave when I felt a light peck on my cheek. I felt Hannah's breathe on my neck as she whispered, "You're welcome, handsome." I could feel my face grow hot. I started to feel awkward because I was blushing so hard. We then said our goodbyes and I headed back home.

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