Chapter3: Watching From Above

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~**3 Months Earlier**~


I can't believe this. I slammed my body up against the brick wall behind me and let the tears fall from my eyes. "He's dead." I kept repeating to myself out loud in shock, staring at another brick wall in front of me. He promised he wouldn't do it. It's all my fault, I should've stayed and this wouldn't have happened at all. He would still be here if I hadn't left that night.

I shut my eyes tightly and buried my face into the sleeves of his hoodie that I was wearing as I began to cry harder. I could hear the conversation we had just a few days ago. I kept hearing his voice in my head repeatedly saying "I'm fine, you don't have to stay here and wach me. I'm not a baby anymore, I'll be fine."

I should have known that he was only pretending to be strong, for me. I only left because I thought he just needed sometime alone. His lost his mom from cancer and she was the only thing he had left other than me. Nothing and no one can every replace the love of a parent.

After I had left his house that night I haven't heard from him for almost a week. I tried calling and texting him several times but there was never a reply.

Everyday that went by I found myself becoming more worried and sick to my stomach just thinking about him taking his own life. He hinted around the idea every once in a while but I never knew what he meant at that time, but now I do.

It took me a long time to try and shake off the thought. I couldn't bring myself to stop by his house and check on him. I had a strong feeling that I wasn't going to like what I saw when I opened the door. I started seeing his lifeless body lying on the floor in my head. I opened my eyes quickly trying to get rid of the image.

I watched as the paramedics hauled his lifeless body out on a stretcher. The police told me that they found many drugs in his system. It was then clear to me that he had overdosed. Ryder was dead. The one that I loved for almost 3 years was dead.

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