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There are things in life that can get you lost in the moment or maybe I'm too slow to realise that I created the catastrophic disasterter six months ago

I'm sorry if I let life win...

I'm clearly not made for this life. I say I can try to move but deep down my heart is fighting me

I am letting life win

I let him win

I let the love of my life win

My strength has become my number one weakness. I've let myself down, my family and God. Too late for me to pray, I should have listened to my gut feeling rather then sit here and let my mind consume with vengeance towards him after what he did. Why am I back to square one. What did I do to deserve such a fate? Is anyone at all on my side?

How can you tell people around you without worrying them and making them concerned about you to the point you get scolded in return. I'm tired of being told what to or not do. I'm twenty-two I'm mature to make choices but clearly I myself can't do a good job so how can others?

You need help you can't do this alone

I remembered the voice that pitiful voice of concern

I tried I managed I'm here

I can't believe it has come to this

I hold the paper tightly the scrunched up piece of paper my tears are as painful as my heartbeats

I'm numb but in pain

There is hope but it's farthest from my reach

I look down from the tall building again let reality sink in

Pinch me

So I could wake up from this horrible dream

[Eyes open wide dramatically]

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