Chapter seventeen

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"Please don't kill me" I begged

"Do you want them alive Mia"

The familiar man spoke seductively I looked to see my mum and sister tied to a chair and tape sealing their mouths. I was in agony I was going to completely lose it I wanted to cry why is this happening"


I looked at him falling down to my knees I closed my eyes shut tightly I felt so weak so useless to get up and fight, fear was consuming me from the inside leaving me paralysed in my own place.

"Why is this world so cruel and unfair"


I heard him say again when I opened my eyes I sow fire surround the whole house my mum and sister looked dead crying looking at the devil himself which he preferred to call himself. Hugging my self I stared at him holding the knife in his hand not daring to walk further to me just looking at me with his dark blue piercing eyes.

"I had to do what I had to do"

He stepped closer towards me pulling me to sit straight instead of stabbing me he held me in a tight grip pulling me towards his hard chest my tears stopped and all I could feel is heat on my face and body I didn't move from his grip I comfortably peacefully stayed in his arms without running or even feeling slightly intimated by this man.

"Finally I didn't feel lonely anymore" I let the fire win surrendering to the darkness that took us both.

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