Fifth finger 'pinky' don't make a promise you can't keep

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Two years ago.....

Where I am?

Am I dead?

"You're in my home" I heard an unfamiliar masculine voice speak, realising my eyelids were closed I tired opening them slowly until they were fully open to look at the lunatic in front of me now I remember what happened.

I'm effing kidnapped!

"What do you want from me" I hissed at the lunatic in front of me.

"Easy tiger" he chuckled rather amused of this situation then I was.

The nerve!

"Don't call me that"

"As you like little tiger"

"Don't call me that either" I might be honestly short but honestly 'little'? Seriously?

"If you're going to kill me make it quick" I gave up with this intimidating man honestly so let him do his worst.

"Kill you?"

"I have something which is far more fun than that"

"Why are you the boss of the 'fam'" I stated emphasising the word 'fam' ignorantly.

"Oh I'm more than that little tiger"

"I'm the devil himself" I couldn't agree more on that first time he said something we agreed on I applaud him. I went silent and look down at my clothes I seriously wanted to take a shower and just sleep.

"Come I want to show you something" he held his hand to me which again I reluctantly took.

"Stay here"

"Don't worry running is off the charts" I stated arrogantly taking a vacant seat in the balcony looking at the beautiful beach scenery it was absolutely breathtaking I'm definitely long way from home but not too far away.

"Like the scenery" I heard Mr blue eyes speak as he sat on another vacant chair.

"Better than being drugged and kidnapped"

"Plus I don't really want to talk to you if you want to say something spill the beans already" I looked at him then put my head to rest on the side eyeing him directly.

"Marry my brother"

I mentally laughed I think he said 'marry my brother' I tired to process looking into the scenery.


I looked at him questionably.

"Did you say marry my brother" he nodded towards my direction

"Do you usually kidnap women like me to date your brother" he shook his head in disagreement.

"Does he know you kidnapped me" he shook his head again oh boy I like this game when he's silent and only just nods or shakes his head its better for the both of us honestly.

"Does anyone else know" he shook his head and spoke out I told your sister you'll be staying here for the summer you'll like it. I wanted to ask how he knew my sister but I guess I was feeling tired and mostly overwhelmed.

"Is there a bed I could lay on I'm really sleepy"

"Come I'll take you to the guest room" he guided me through the big long hall down the corner opening my room he got in with me.

"Listen...Mia" I cut him off

"I've heard quite enough for today thank you"

"Make yourself at'll see what I'll do not because I hate you because I know what's best for you"

"Best for me you're not my father" I stated harshly.

"I'm definitely not, no one can replace a great man let alone a father" I looked at him for quite sometime until he got out leaving to lost in my own thoughts.

Mr blue eyes seemed really genuine or was that a facade to cover his true identity. Something is going on, everything is really fishy around here and I don't mean the smell of beach or seagulls that's coming in from the balcony next to me in my room it's more than that it's what comes out of Mr blue eyes mouth it just overwhelms me and makes me question everything. His really up to something that man and I'm going to find out but first is first I need to have a shower then I start my investigation.

"You picked the wrong bride for your little brother Mr blue eyes".

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