Chapter nineteen

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To my beautiful daughter

It's been sometime since I have been away from home, your mother has been my greatest hope I miss you and your sister dearly
You have no idea love
How much it hurts to be away from you

I thank your mother for staying in touch with me.

I wish as a father that I could go back redeem my mistakes

Fix the little things before they caused catastrophy

Seeing you grow up was something I would have treasured my little angle

In the end of it all I haven't done what a real father would.

Protect his family

I failed your mother, sister and you

I could never forgive myself if something happened to my own family

When I look at the pictures that your mother sent me over the last few years I can see you have your own father's spirit, never lose that my angle...

There's a man who'll protect you, your mother and sister his name goes by Paul Khaźkh he'll be by your side, my child listen to him his your only hope...

Take care of your mother, your sister and yourself for me

I love you and miss you very much never forget that princess


I looked at the letter in disbelieve tears forming in my eyes.

His alive?

But mum said.. how could this. I was trying to get my head around everything to process my dad's message to come to terms of understanding what he is actually on about.

"He was a good man"

"You knew him" I asked rubbing the tears from my cheeks looking at Mr blue eyes or better yet 'Pali'.

"I worked for him"

"Worked for him?" I repeated questionably.

"We took bad guys out together"

"Oh so you're mafia...great" I closed the letter and avoided his gaze.

"I'm far much more worse than that Mia...but I can assure you I'm here too help...I'm not the bad guy"

"That's what a bad guy would say"

"Look Mia the letter says what it says"

"I just hope it's not photoshopped"

"Trust me when I say this I'm not bothered to edit my own photos"

I was going to retort to tell him that you don't need to you're so effing handsome already.

"So what now"

" you sign these"

Gush where did hide those I didn't see them when he walked in, he must have a huge side pocket to hide those from my sight"

"Alright on one condition"

"You name it"

"You answer my questions truthfully"

"I'm listening"

"Is my dad alive?"

He looked blankly probably lost in his own thoughts.

"I don't know"

"Does he have other written letters"

He grabbed a box from his side, which I was not aware that it was beside him. Jesus Christ this man how did he bring all these things is he psychic to the point he knows what to do in this kind of situations.

"You might want to read these too" I opened the box to see so many letters from dad to me, my mum and sister I wanted to cry my heart felt so heavy it was so overwhelming everything happening so fast.

"Thank you Paul"



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