Second Hand "two hands are better than one"

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Peaking through my door I look if there is any cameras and quickly dash towards the wardrobe I stop midway to find a dress on the bed it's a beautiful light blue dress that's knee high with cute beige flats I decide to wear them after the cruel hours of him leaving me with the same clothes from yesterday I decided that if I'll be a prisoner to this man I might as well be a fashionable one.

"Now let's go show Mr blue eyes shall we" I murmured to myself before stopping to look at myself in the long mirror beside the wardrobe.

"Someone's looking nice" I twirled to see Mr blue eyes approach me from behind "hungry?" He asked boy I was starving but I just acted lady like "if you are then so am I" I heard him laugh from my side "it's this way" I let him guide me.

"Mmm...this lasagna is amazing"

I heard a big thud slam on the table I looked up to see papers and a pen on top I stared long and hard before I continued with my food.

"Who ever made this lasagna God bless them"

"Sign the papers Mia"

Pulling on my spoon slowly I bit it mid way and looked at the oh so intimidating man.

"I'm not signing anything I haven't read" I stated obviously with pride.

"You don't need to we've discussed this"

"You haven't addressed a discussion about signing papers so how could we have 'discussed' it" I irradiately emphasised 'discussed' blankly looking at him I decided to scoop more lasagna into my plate which ended up being dragged away by him I frowned and looked at him.

"All you need to do is sign"

I don't like this I wanted a way out I had enough of this intimidating man being after me.
What did he want from me?

"Now if you excuse me I have very important business to do" just like that I left the impossible man in the kitchen as I went to search for the bathroom which was along the way me and Mr blue eyes were walking I'm glad I payed attention to something along the way.

There was small tiny round which in my opinion was a chair that had a towel on top I took it placing it in a basket then sat and tried to relax my nerves, just breathe in and out until a heard a loud annoying knock"

"Mia let me in"

"I'm doing my business go away"

"Let me in now"

"What part of I'm doing my business don't you understand"

"Mia open the fucking door"

"Let me rephrase that it's Mia please open the fucking door" I retorted aggressively.

"Mia" I heard him shout

"I'll count to ten then I'll seriously smash the door and if come in angry so God help me I'l-"

"You'll what kill me you blue eyed lunatic" I shouted raising my hands in frustration not like he sow what I was doing.

"I'll do worst"

"Challenge accepted"


Holding myself in hug I sow the door slam down hard in front of me I don't know what happened to me about my mouth dried eyes in shock heart beat accelerating as I looked at a very angry man in front of me he sure was angry I guess the excitement was too much I felt breathless everything seemed to black out as my head hit the shower glass.

"I'm going to die" I murmured softly.

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