Chapter twenty-six

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I felt water sprinkled on my face I gasped and stood up.

"What happened"

"Where am I"

"You fainted in my arms"

"I did what" I tried to get up start to process what happened

"Just relax lay down you'll get a headache" I sat on the comfortable sofa reluctantly he came and sat nearer to me avoiding to look at him I stared at the room decor it was all dark and gloomy apart from the comfortable long lounge in the middle dragged out of my reverie I felt a tingle on my hand a soft touch crease my finger tips no lie that touch was arousing I shivered from the tingling sensation on my hand it started to move up my arm down the outline my left waist line to my thighs

Great why am I wearing a dress

"You know I can order pasta you don't have to stress yourself out"

"Trust me when I say this..homemade pasta is something you'll die to have"

"I think I can live"

I just had it with this man my words were only falling on deaf ears.

"Here have a snicker"

"You've got to be kidding me"


"Is this a fucking I being tapped for an advertisement"

"What you mean"

"You're a fucking joke"

"It's one thing to swear at something but not at me you don't want me to get angry at you I'm brutal dear"

"Is this another sequel for taken"

"Impossible woman"

"As if you're not"

"Here have this" he threw a sealed plastic container and took my snickers that I didn't wanted anyway though I missed nibbling on chocolate I opened the container seeing fresh salad inside I decided to dig in and eat some people didn't let me have my pasta I'm sure you know who I'm talking about.

"Like my salad..not that I actually made it"

"I would have preferred some nice lasagna"

"Why didn't you speak"

"You kept glaring me didn't know if I should speak or forever hold my silence"

"Come I'm hungry too that snickers didn't satisfy me"

"That whole chocolate bar you're still hungry"

"Do you know a man wastes twenty percentage of energy to deal with a woman like yourself"

"Do you know how mentally frustrating it is talking to you"

"Stop lying to yourself you love staring at me"

"Don't get your hopes up Blondie"


"You heard me"

"Say it again"

I gulped hard and reluctantly spoke upon his request


"I can't hear you"


"Speak louder"



"blondie" my voice slightly crept in from fear he was now too close for my liking.

"Say it in my ear" I stood still I blushed like a tomato I really hate the situation I landed myself in.

"Say it now but slower" I froze in my place I couldn't move or let alone speak my mouth dried from fear and anxiety that was building inside my body.

"I can't"



"Tell me why then"


"That's not an explanation"

I felt a hand crease my back and another play with my hair I felt as if I was going to faint from the sensations I was getting he really knew how to use those hands they were so soft and gentle and it made me smile like a crazy person every time he creased a part of my body I needed to get away from him God knows what type of person he is.

"Can I...can yo-u t-ak-e me ho-me" I stuttered probably he knew I was so scared of him as he slightly backed off me and glared at me I just looked at the ground helplessly.

"No" it took him a while before he responded when he did I looked at him in disbelieve

"You're not going anywhere understood"

"Why...why can't I go home" I asked hesitantly


"But that's not an explan-" I tried to continue but I was cut off by him.

"I don't care" just like that he walked towards the door before he left the room he looked back at me but I gazed at the vase in front of me.

"I'll have someone bring you food"

The door slammed causing me to shake nervously.

"I have to find a way to get out of here fast" I strode towards the door but it was looked the windows too I couldn't get out of anywhere until I discovered a bathroom door open I looked to see a small window enough for me to fit through.

"Guess it is possible to get out of this impossible place" locking the bathroom door I then opened the window slowly and at best soundlessly just in case there were bodyguards somewhere

Probably with guns!

I tried to calm myself down breathing few seconds then got my shit together moving forward with the plan the window was all way opened I prayed that today wouldn't be the day I die then I did what I had to do I climbed up on the toilet seat peaking out of the window for any threats near or far where ever there are then pushed myself to get out before I did I looked at the height.


I clinged to the window terrified to the bone I moved my leg and decided to man up getting my strength all in to be motivated to get out the hell I was in. I really hated heights I moved tip toe until I spotted a far left staircase that lead down to the beautiful ground which I never appreciated until I got in this situation.

Life is cruel!

I made my way to the staircase luckily still alive and breathing I walked happily sighing in relief

"I'm finally free" I murmured to myself my head was aching so badly I felt something grab me by my hair harshly.

"Get back in the fucking house now"

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