Chapter thirty

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"What are you doing here"

"No time to explain we have to get out off here"


"It's too complicated to understand....just trust me"

"No" I hissed out at him then walked inside Blondie's room I really don't want or see anyone any more call me childish but give me a break seriously.

"You're coming whether you like it or not"

"Let go off me I'm not going anywhere with you" I pushed his body away from me and sat on the bed I really I want to be left alone is that too much to ask for.

"That's it you leave me no choice"
He strode towards me I tried to fight him but he was strong he threw me over his back then forcefully I was dragged out by him from Blondie's house oh boy now this won't be fun he's asking for trouble and then I'll end up in trouble then he dies I die we'll both die who'll find the both of us justice, just who? Honestly.

"Going somewhere Mr. Khazkh"

Oh shit were dead we are going to die my thoughts screamed in my head as I was over Chris's back I heard them both argue like children I was honestly feed up with this.

"Well glad you came my friend"

"I'm not your friend"

"Lets agree to disagree"

"I beg to differ"

"She was mine first"

"Too bad she's my fiancee"

"Your fiancee in my house"

"don't push it Cruz"

"Well if it hits a nerve not my fault you should put a leash on her"

"Fuck you"

"Sorry to disappoint but my taste is quite particular"

"What do you want"

"We work for the same man Chris...what do you think"

"My intentions are different"

"That's what your brother said"

"His not my brother"

"Oh that's tough and harsh"

"Well he should deal with it"

"You're not much of a brother Chris" I heard a clicking sound gush we are going to die its over game over were dead. My body start to move up and down on Chris's back he was running I looked in front of me Blondie was holding us at gun point but didn't shoot I looked at him as the distance was getting longer and I sow no sight of him.

"Mia you landed your self in hot water" he spoke as he gasped for air damn must have been hard running with me on his back why would he even do that this crazy man honestly lost it.

"Chris take it easy you need to shut up and breath"

I sat on a bench next to him looking at the sun disappear as the day ended and the stars at night came to life. I looked at his pale face his shaking hands his breathing and slouched posture he really is getting me worried.

"Chris are you okay"

"We need to get married"

"Say's who"


"Are you sure its not your brother's preposition"

"Dont talk about him"

"His your brother"

"No his not"

"Just because you quarrel doesn't mean yo-"

"Enough Mia....honestly just don' think you make things better blabbing you fucking consider....just a little....that it's my fucking please....let me deal with it"

"If it's simple as you said it then why am I here...what could I be of possible have your own issues...why am I in the fucking answer Chris.....I don't need one"

"Mia I told you it's complicated"

"No you make it complicated"

"Did Cruz hurt you"

"Don't change the subject"

"Mia please"

"His just like arrogant...full of shit...the worst entertainer...his evil....he can be good but his very manipulate....he said you owe him Chris....owe what....what are you hiding from me....actually you know what don't tell me....I'd rather guess"

"Can you please come with me tonight"

"To where...your brother's palace"

"No...were taking a flight a private one to Italy"

"You want me to leave with you to another country...are you insane"

"You need to trust me on this"

"Well that kind of has been an issue for me these last few year's"

"I want you to read's another letter from your dad...Khaź didn't show you this for a reason"

"I really don't want to right now"

"Mia just read it....I wouldn't have brought it too you to read if it wasn't so important...please, Paul would've ripped it if it wasn't for Khaz"

Curiosity filled my urge to take I loath that man with great passion I don't know why Chris does to, what importance did this letter have that khaz kept secret from his own brother Paul, I have to read it I looked at him one last time eyeing him before I forcefully took the letter from him I really don't want anymore drama it would just make things worse. "Do I have too read this" I looked at the letter my eyes filled with liquid protesting to slip down to my warm cheeks I just threw it at him and sat there in total pain.

"Mia right now everything is going to be difficult...but I can protect you....please trust me"

"Fuck your letter.....your preposition....fuck the day you came in my life because you brought me nothing but misery...not only you...your whole family....just stay away from me...away from my family...I want to live a normal life you fucking got in the everything is ruined... because of YOU" I shouted 'you' pointing my finger at his full stunned expression then wailed breaking down next to the bench all that crying made my head heavy I pulled my head up and looked at the night view then back at him


"Whether you like it or not you're coming with me" he had me at gun point damn these days it has been only a gun held to my damn head I haven't properly been communicated too I think I'll turn crazy because of all these people around me honestly I want a miracle to happen any time soon possibly now, oh God merciful God help me.

Getting up I hit the bottom of the gun causing it too jump out off his hand on to the ground then I stared at him pushing him away yelling like a crazy mad woman.

"Fucking ask it that hard"

"Please Mia come with me"


"I said please"

"You didn't mean it hard enough"

" You've got to be kidding me"

"I won't accept until....until you mean it"

"I'm over this shit" he came at me but I kept pushing him then again I was over his shoulder I hit his back multiple times because he held a firm grip on my legs I hardly kicked his chest with my legs, there was an elderly couple walking in near the lake looking at us I stopped when they did damn now I don't only look crazy but I'm literally crazy because of my own stupidity

damn hell!

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