Six : am

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[phones ringing in the background]

Why does this happen to me. I hate waking up early trying to reach my phone in the damn cold freezing weather I quickly raised my arm out getting my phone and picking up the call putting the blanket over me to shield me from the cold harsh weather that always hits my face in the morning looking at my phone oh it's Michael great he woke me up on a Saturday how nice of him.


"About time you picked up" he sighed deeply then continued with his usual 'news'

"Get dressed and eat your breakfast I'm coming over about ten minutes" I looked blankly at the covers above my head what is he on about.

"What do you mean"

"What do you mean what do I mean" he replied annoyed

"What" I asked confused.

"Just get up you lazy head" forcing myself in the oh so cold harsh weather I got in the bathroom putting the heater light on.

"Fifteen minutes I'll be done" ending the call I decided to quickly shower I grabbed my shower cap and I was done in five, basically I was running around to multitask my makeup plus deciding what to wear plus quick coffee and pancakes with my favorite 'strawberries' just glad there were leftovers otherwise I would have to clean them and that would take extra time. Michael called me straight in fifteen minutes he was outside my house waiting hopefully patiently.

"Someone is looking good" he smirked to my direction when I walked out and closed the door behind me "should I take that as a compliment" I giggled breathing through the cold weather.

"Up to you spoongy"

I mentally laughed at that he always calls me that ever since I knew him. I never minded that nickname actually it strangely described me well, somehow. Considering I've always been the quite one in school who used to secretly listen to the answers of other students not that it made me highly smart I've always considered myself average but I am what I am a sponge absorbing information.

"We're here" Mic's friend said who's two years older than both of us.

"Thanks man for the ride I owe" you.

"Be ready by five afternoon I'll pick you up same place as here"


I looked at the place it was a cafe over ruled by dark colours the chairs outside were empty from the dark windows I could hardly spot a person before Michael ushered me inside I sow the cafe's name written in golden capital letters


This is going to be interesting I thought to myself before I walked in.

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