Chapter thirty-two

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[Playing the YouTube song in the background is completely the readers choice]


"Fucking wake up Mia we need to get out now" my heart accelerated rapidly I just looked at him until the door slammed open in front of us both awkwardly we both stared at the person not moving at all.

"Did I miss the party"


"I guess I just arrived in time"

"Who the hell are you" Chris retorted to the guy in front of us, oh boy this won't be good.

"Who the hell am I? Who the hell are you? To ask me who the hell am I?"

"What the hell?"

"I asked myself the same question"

I sow Chris's expression his eyebrows curled in confusion and I was stunned at how he knew I was here in Italy with him.

Awkward moment.

"So how are you Mia"

"Mia" Chris asked in confusion still on top of me my face went numb my tongue dry curled back no words escaped from my slightly parted lips he shook me for answers but I stayed like that as if completely paralyzed.

"Well this is awkward" I heard him retort which made Chris twirled his head still confused at the whole situation.

"I kind-a traced you" he laughed dryly which got him a death glare from Chris I was still paralyzed in my place hoping that they won't kill each other the chance they got to do so.

"Who are you" Chris jumped on him knocking him down to the floor


"Hey buddy you're so welcoming"

"Don't be a smart arse"

"Not trying to be because I already am"

"Oh we will see about that"

"Listen're not my type so get off me before I punch your pretty face"

"Who are you" Chris shook him by his shirt between 'who' 'are' and 'you'

"I would tell if you weren't shaking me with my own shirt"

"Speak" Chris shouted at him

Dear Jesus!

"I'd rather forever hold my peace"

"Well then that's settled"

"Chris no no don't hurt him he's a...uh....uhm....friend...erh...of...mine"

"Your friend"

"Yeah...yes.....he is"

"I am" he asked questionably until Chris glared him then he shook his head reluctantly "Oh yes I am"

"How did you track us"

"Well I have my devices"

"Is anyone with you"

"Man this interrogation is really bad"

"I asked you a question"

"Okay okay easy there parachute I'm a lone wolf"

"You better not be baffling"

"Oh now why would I do that"

Chris eyed him cautiously then let go of his shirt staring back at me before he left the room. "He seems like a nice guy" he sarcastically gestured as Chris left. Damn I feel bad now, why didn't I tell him before that I knew someone else, sometimes I don't think rationally. "So I don't get hey or hi or oh my God I missed you" he chuckled and teased me but I just stared at him. "Oh my God is there something on my cologne....what is it Mia speak to me" he whined. "Why are you really here" I asked him totally off mood "did I interrupt Mr and Mrs whatever" he sat on the side of the bed "what are you talking about" I asked totally confused "you came here to get married" he stated blinking several times "No it's way more complicated" I dissme avoiding the real reason "you're pregnant" he shouted in disbelief my eyes widened in shock "of course not"

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