Chapter eight 'Mr Khazkh'

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"I think I should come back another time" I heard an unfamiliar voice which snapped me and Michael out of the position we were in to look at a very tall well fitted middle aged man.

"You must be Mia my brother's...friend" he seemed to go silent until he emphasised on the word 'friend' nodding I diverted my attention to Michael to say something.

"Oh Mia this is my brother Khaz, bro I'd like you to meet Mia she's a very awesome friend of mine that would love to work with us" I stared at the tall figure analysing me from head to toe as Michael spoke I tried not to move otherwise my predator would jump in and eat me so I looked at the floor, slightly at the intimidating man then back at Michael.

"Welcome to cafe khaz Mia" he shoke my hand but his skin was gentle unlike his personality, as far as welcoming he sounded he actually wasn't, he looked like he was hunting for meat probably later on to cook and feed to his customers. His facial expression was so serious it was odd for Mia to ever such a serious person in her life as so.

"This way follow me" Michael ushered me out of the office to which I was glad to be far away from 'Mr. Khaz" or should I say 'Mr. Intimidating'.

"So there are separate changing rooms" as he talked and continued to show me the change rooms, staff bathrooms the kitchen itself oh it was gorgeous inside I basically loved each second of it, learning everything around the cafe, how everything worked, the menus, preparing food and also serving up to the customers, which I enjoyed wholeheartedly, there weren't many customers today must be because it's Saturday and it just opened a week ago, must be it.

"Mia I'd like to talk to you come in my office for a second" I heard boss say that I couldn't run away could I? So I just reluctantly nodded at him and followed him inside I just hope that he's not hungry for meat or more specifically my meat!

"First is first I'm not paying you for today are you aware of that" felt like I was in kindergarten listening to crap full of nonsense of my elders so I just practically and reluctantly nodded, listening to what he was telling me, after all his my boss.

"You're working one week unpaid" I nodded

"You have to have reasonable experience before you work paid for me" I nodded again.

"Do you speak miss" I was going to node again but I stopped to stare at his slight tilted face of amusement and raised eyebrows towards my direction I was going to protest and probably become defensive but I pushed it aside. His after all Michael's brother. Michael was great enough to talk his brother into employing me I owe him my loyalty.

"I fully understand Mr. Khaz"

"If you're going to refer to my last name it's Mr. Khazkh" with a wink he got up and left the room damn he is even full of himself.

There I was standing still left paralyzed by the oh so intimidating man processing my next move.

"Hey you what you doing inside the room" Michael's chirpy voice interrupted my thoughts

"Oh Mr. Khaz....I mean your brother....I mean our boss" was just lecturing me like a school kid I wanted to add avoiding how horribly awkward I made Mic feel I just decided to shut up until he responded, looks like I have to get used to the word 'boss'

"Oh Mia you always amuse me" he smiled before he could gesture his hand for me to take "it's home time and I'm tired as as hell" he laughed but faintly turned into a groan.

First day at café khaź wasn't so bad or turned to be so well but it definitely surprised me and taught me things...Will things turn out better...I guess I just have to wait and see for better or for the worst.

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