Chapter twenty-seven

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[Playing the YouTube song in the background is completely the readers choice]

"Inside now" I reluctantly moved I couldn't run he was holding a gun to my head I feared for my life.

"Keep moving"

I moved inside slowly my headache started to hurt so much sitting on the couch I put my hands on my neck keeping my head down I really needed to drink water I can't take this, the thirst.

"Here's some fast acting panadol take some water make it quick" I just did what he told me my head was aching so badly felt dizzy and some parts of my body were in pain too I decided to take two tablets then gobbled down the water as if I was in the Sahara desert for a decade.

"Start talking"

Putting the glass down slowly I stared at the man in front of me "what do you mean"

"I sow you with that bastard"

I literally had no clue what he was talking about there are many 'bastards' I've come across so which one does he really want.

"There's seven billion people in the world twenty-three million in Australia two people in my family and only one other person who is a man apart from the homosexual boss I know so who are you referring too"

"I'm making this easy for"

"So am I" I cut in rudely

"Do you know him" he threw a pictures on the table in front me which I ignored and stared at the empty glass thirsty for more water I felt so damn dizzy.

"Answer my fucking questions" he hit the table causing it too shake frightening me to death.

"I don't know what you're talking about because you're asking the wrong person"

"So you don't know him" he picked a picture and showed me a familiar person

"Or him" I slightly frowned my head started to ache badly

Who is this man and what does he want from me I asked myself as if he could hear me

"They owe me"

"Then you don't need me"

"I think there is a missunderstanding"

"Yes big time"

"I appreciate the sarcasm"

"You're always welcome"

"This is serious"

"I see that"

"You're involved with me now"

"I sure am"

"I'm not a good guy"

"You never looked like one"

"You're still not making this easy for yourself"

"I always struggle unfortunately"

"You're getting on my nerves"


"You're going to help me"

"Let me rephrase that for you it's please help me I need your help" I shouted the last part at him snarling angrily I held the empty glass in my hand

"I'm fucking thirsty"

"Get up I don't have time for shit"
"No wonder why you're still single"

"What did you say"


"Repeat what you fucking said" he pointed the gun at me I tried to breath and keep cool because my confidence around men in general was washed in empty sea for the past few years in my life.

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