Chapter thirty-one

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"Chirs get me down"

"You'll go berserk"



"I'll be good" what I actually meant running for my life from this man.

"Not a chance sport"

"Chris....put me down"

He carried me all the way to his car making sure he locked all the doors once I was inside I kept looking at the road as he drove I wish that I could have replayed all my life moments stopping myself from knowing or associating with his family. Life is not fair indeed. The car was stopped at the airport parking area I seriously don't know what this man's plan is and what is really going down, I wish everyone was just truthful about themselves.

"You realise I didn't pack"

"You didn't need to"

"Yeah it's not like I'm going anywhere right"

"Could you please just get out of the car" he eyed me for a while before slamming his door hard. Damn he was really harsh poor car I feel your pain patting the car hang in there car.

"What now"

"We get going"

I followed him reluctantly inside to get checked in three hours before we departure, so much for being normal leading a normal life for myself things had to happen and they did very damn fast too fast I groaned in despair I haven't even had time to think this through or anything through I just experienced a taste of everything at once, very hard to digest I'm telling you.

[Time lapse]

The whole time in his private jet it was quite either he was sleeping or working and for me I was over thinking like I usually am.

"You look hungry" he didn't even understand my expression it was more of a 'I'll kill you when this is over' kind of expression.

"I'm going to sleep" he thinks he knows me well all figured out, he needs to stop guessing and start asking like a human not behave like some kind of programmed robot.

"Are you upset with me" I heard him ask as I turned to my side my back facing him faking that I'm actually sleeping yet my eyes closed hearing what he was saying.

"I'm sorry I did those things...the gun....and this...but trust me when I say this....I'll protect'd have regretted staying longer in your own home....he knows too much about you I couldn't have risked it....please understand where I'm coming from" I closed my eyes I felt tears crawl and my hormones oppose me, my tears started to fall down my cheeks I tried my best to not make a sound as I curled into a ball I really hated how gentle he was but at the same time so fucking insane

Crazy man!

"Mia...everything will work out" I felt his hand sneak around my waist gently placing a kiss on my back rubbing his hand on my arm comforting me down.

"I won't let anything happen to you" was all I heard before I dozed off in deep slumber it must have been great sleep I got from damn the most comfortable airplane chairs I have ever slept on it pays to fly high when I mean high it's not only being on the plane in the sky it's the amount of money you put to fly high. Moments like this don't happen and need to be absorbed because they run the chance you want more. I'll definitely miss this comfortable chair so much the most comfortable sleep I've got in years.

[Time lapse]

"This is where we are staying" he handed me a brochure of a well designed house lake that I used my time admiring it, so beautiful it's like a dream home that I have in my mind since I was little until I grew up realising that it was going to be only a dream unless I got lucky, I think I'll hang on to that luck and just go with the flow, right now I'm on everyone's list Chris is right no matter how much I hate to admit coming with him it was the right thing to do.

"Perfect place to hide" I retorted which brought his attention to me, I was about to get out of the car until he held my hand and grabbed me hard forcing me to land on his chest I looked at his dark piercing eyes a cold shiver went down my spine as I kept looking in his eyes then the utmost thing happened he kissed me for the first time it was a very simple kiss yet it was so genuine not a lustful kind greedy kiss, this kiss was different for the first time I finally knew that he is actually honest with me or have I got high hopes.

"We should get going" he finally broke the silence between us forcing his door open getting out to pick our belongings from the back bonnet. Forcing myself to do the same I got out and took my things inside the house, damn the inside was even better than the outside view I really wish I could live here, so beautiful.

"I'll be back, explore the house if you want" I took that chance I think it's a bit awkward that he left me like that in the car, but hey I don't judge he pretty much has his own issues I just hope he gets through it all, then he can be back to himself again.


The house had amazing landscape, two swimming pools, one inside and the other outside, Jacuzzi, two big rooms with big probably king sized beds in those two rooms. The kitchen was stunning so simple yet spacious, the studio was big too with a large tv screen, though the view of the outside was as more breathe taking you could see mountains from afar the sky was blue with no clouds, fresh green grass completed the whole picture adding that warm nature feeling yet the breeze that blew washed it way with cool depth of air that made you want to get out your bed and sleep outside peacefully as you absorb the beauty of the scenery in front of your eyes

"It's a beautiful view" I twirled to face him he brought a plate with food in it and a bottle of water in the other hand.

"What about you" I asked him before taking the offered food
"I already had something" he placed the plate on the table of the living room the bottle in my hand and left. Well that was something I thought to myself before I tired to knock myself out of it and eat the food he brought me, it looks delicious I want to eat it all I thought to myself then I dug into the food sparing nothing but the glass plate.

I felt myself drift on the welcoming couch my eyes were heavy and all I wanted to do was rest a few more hours. I slightly felt my eyes open as I sow myself being moved as if someone was holding me. I looked to see a pair of strong arms holding me "I'm taking you to sleep in your room" I nodded and let him carry me I was too tired to protest so I let it be for this time, I wanted to so badly get inside that warm soft bed, I guess being away from home wasn't a bad idea I sighed once he was gone the door fully closed I hugged the blanket as I fell asleep hoping that in the next few hours will be peacefully asleep. I truly do treasurer and love my sleep if someone ever took it they would pay the consequences.

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