first finger 'index'

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[Playing the YouTube song in the background is completely the readers choice]

I think I repeatedly said hello more than once I was beginning to really think he was a scammer so I decided to hang up before I heard a male voice speak.

"Remember me" I tried to process his words he definitely did not sound familiar or a wog so who the hell?!

"You're definitely not my father" I retorted still thinking about the unknown sexy voiced idiot at the other end.

"Well I'm sure your father wouldn't give you a kinky wink and a air kiss would he now" I shuddered at the sudden disgust "of course not that's just-" then the sudden shock hit me like cold ice down my spine.

"You!" I mentally cringed

"Yes me" I could feel him smirk through the other end and if he really was he'd die in a heartbeat.

"Who are you, speak now or forever you shall remain in pieces" I retorted I could feel my chest constrict I seriously don't like something in this man beside his alluring seductive husky voice.

"Easy tiger there's plenty of meat to go around" oh the nerve of this man reminded of someone I loathed at work.

"Get ready and meet me at cafe khaź wear something nice too" and just like that he hanged up on my face well I'll be dammed.

Wait cafe khaź?

He knows where I live




I'm dead meat!

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