five fingers for each hand

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Next Sunday morning....

I woke feeling heavy and hungry....mostly hungry...I really need to eat. Getting up I headed to my bathroom doing my morning ritual before I head to my kitchen and invade my fridge for food. One disadvantages of pms you get hungry ALL THE TIME!

[phone vibrates]

I read a message from my sister and smile I lover her so much.

"I miss you"

I replied back while taking a bite out of my toasted bread "how can you 'miss' me if you'll always come back to see me, things that you 'miss' are already forgotten"

"I can't ever win with you can't I" she texted back knowingly she's right, she never wins with me and I can never win with her.

It was always a challenge.

"Take care of yourself and mum I love you both very much"

I replied "We love you take of yourself too and stay safe". Closing my phone I head to my bed I feel like sleeping and never waking up.

[phone rings]

"It's probably Michael trying to annoy me" I murrmer to myself

Looking at the screen I frown


"I look at my screen again rubbing my eyes" I murmur to myself I think it says what it says so I reluctantly do the worst

[Unknown number calling]

I pick up hoping it's not a scammer from overseas or personal stalker or murder or Mr. Khazkh trying to scary me shitless, he's good at that, I mean that man is so effing intimidating it's scary. Anyway too much thinking.

I finally picked up.

"Hello" I answered reluctantly.

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