Chapter twenty-five

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Months later...

"Thank you for coming"

"You must be the great Mia"

"The only one" I smiled sweetly

"Oh just fantastic to see you, let's get started shall we"

"Of course"


Finally I made my mark in fashion

Becoming a clothes designer was something I always wanted to do now I get to live that dream best wish I could ever get.

"Morning beautiful" I twirled my head and smiled warmly at him.

"What are you doing here"

"I wanted to come and give you these" he handed a beautiful bunch of lilies which I gladly took.

"You didn't have to go all that trouble"

"The only trouble was deciding from lilies and peonies"

"I can't argue" I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"How's it going for you so far"

"Fun it's different but I'm enjoying it"

"More fun than spending time with me" he chuckled slightly I smiled in return.

Total charmer!

"I've missed your home made pasta"

"Well you could come today over I'll make some for both of us I feel like pasta"

"Deal...just leave the desert to me"

"Surprise me" I laughed inside but my lips tickled to smile.

Hours later during the day

I went to buy some ingredients that I was going to use for the pasta from the nearest shopping which was down a few blocks from my apartment the shopping was small but stacked well and it had some of my favorite ingredients to add to casseroles or pastas so it was a very convenient place to shop for groceries.

The weird thing I stared to feel a warm sensation building all over my body like as if I was something bad was going to happen I shuddered it away and walked towards the register.

"Having a good day"

"Could be better"

"Enjoy your day ma'm" I took the plastic bags in my hands and smiled at the middle aged man then I existed walking back to my apartment.

The weather was so cold very windy blowing my hair I felt as if I was going to fly but I'm safe don't worry I got a solid body that sticks to the ground and my couch at home I just wanted to get home so badly

So frigging cold!

[Phone vibrates]


I don't want to see who it is why are people so clingy and needy at really terrible times. I prayed that my phone vibrated once I closed my eyes I felt another vibrate I still walked becoming bit by bit flustered with my phone then it went crazy. Constant vibrating on my right jeans pocket felt as if I was having a spasm.



I reached to take the call I was so cold I wanted to go home so badly.

"What do you want"

Wait I didn't look at who was calling me it might have been my sister or my boss.

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