Chapter two

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"Who?' I asked confused.

"Don't worry about it just go do your studies" my sister dismissively waved her hand at me

"Is it that grave digging bitch" I knew exactly who that would be.

She looked expressionless then nodded a yes. That's when rage hit me so fast. I knew who she was talking about and I didn't like him or whatever that butthead did every time she said his name it made my blood boil.

"That grave digging criminal" I wanted to shout out but I remembered that we had guests so I just sat near my very sad sister looking down at her own chipped nails pouting sadly as her glossy eyes glitter with few drops of tears falling beside her cheek wiping it before it ran down her face gently tilting her head to face me.

"You're not alone ever in this don't forget that" seeing a tear escape her sad teary eyes I tried to hold mine for the good of my sister, I hate seeing her upset like this especially when it's about a dumbo like him. I'll never let her get hurt by anyone anymore.

One week later....

"I want to tell you something" I placed my mobile down to listen then she stared at me I could see hurt written all over her expressive eyes.

"What's wrong" holding her hand then stroking her long beautiful blonde hair to the side as I smile towards her frowning face.

"please don't hate me if I tell you this" she says that makes me frown and get worried I'm not sure I like the sound of that.

If this is about Jesse I'm really going to do something to him myself.

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