Chapter twenty one

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Few months later

"Can you please put that there thank you" I said to the man who put the couch along with another man holding the other end of it in my new living room yup I moved out on my own.

[phone rings]

"Thank you again" I said too both men then picked up my phone "hello" I greeted the other person over the phone "Mia its been a long time" I heard a very happy vibe through me when I heard his voice.

"So you're back"

"Have I ever been gone"

"Yes for a while"

"I've always been here babe"

"I see" I tried to slowly put down the tension forming within me then sighed deeply to calm my nerves.

"Meet me tomorrow night" just like that I closed the phone and walked into my room.

"Hey princess" I twirled my head to see a familiar figure near my living room.

"You're making a big mistake Mia"

"The last thing I need is to hear it from you Pali please throw yourself out nicely before I do"

"You don't understand what you're saying"

"If I didn't why would I be saying it" I shouted back at the figure next to my door.

"Mia just let me explain something clearly"

"Oh everything is already cleared with you"

I felt two hands around my waist dragging me to a hard chest I twirled my head and hit both of his hands to get off me but he didn't nudge from his grip.

"Get off me"


"Let go off my hands"


"I hate you"

"Convince yourself sweetie"

"Don't call me that"

"Shut up Mia" I got really agitated so I threw myself at him hitting him from every corner until he gave up but before I could I slipped and fell on him hitting his hard chest we both landed on the floor I tried to roll to the side and run but I was held down by him his breathe was fanning my face I tried to move again push him off me but his strong figure was well fixed I could see by his eyes that he wouldn't give up I looked into his eyes for a while.

"How did you find me"

"Let's just say you might have covered your tracks but you sure enough left a trail which was easy to follow" I groan at him and push him off me a little I don't think I could take this intimidating man any longer.

"Okay you got me"

"Indeed I have"

I was still underneath him our eyes locked his hot alluring scent clouding my thoughts his breath fanning my face slightly our faces were so close to each other's I tried not to stare further at him but I just couldn't help not look in those gorgeous sky blue eyes.

"I won't let you go off this time I promise myself that" I felt his lips crease my cheek with his soft lips.

"Happy belated birthday princess"

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