Chapter three

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Unknown pov

"Ha ho ben modi shema ay brata" a man asked.

"Lara" the second man replied.

"Mo baykh meena" the second guy chlenched his jaw.

"La shoqi makhenokh" the second guy left the room.

"Cleo call up Ashor" the second guy said in English this time. Cleo got his phone out and did as told.

"What I am going to do is none ya business" the other guy gulped.

"What now" the other guy asked.

"We pay the boss a visit"

They both left to get into his audi car.

Five minutes or so they arrived.

They got out of the car making their way to the big mansion and knocked on the door.

Someone came and answered the door "Hi gentleman his waiting for you in his room would you like a glass of water or coffee" both men said no and walked in to see their boss.

They walked into the house and walked into the their bosses room.

"Hi boss everything you asked is going to plan just as you wanted" the taller man spoke.

"Thank you Johnny I appreciate it" their boss said frankly.

"David I want you to keep an eye out for this girl, don't want her to do something stupid" David nodded and went to do his job.

"If the khazkh brothers get in the way they won't see the light of day, you hear me Johnny" he snarled and screamed at him "yes sir loud and clear" the man on the chair nodded "good" and gave instructions before Johnny left.

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