Chapter thirty-four

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[Playing the YouTube song in the background is completely the readers choice]

"What the fuck"

"Oh goodie"

"Bro what's going on"

"Well he's here ask Mr Khaź"

"Fuck you"

"Whys everyone so needy"

"Get your shit out"

"I'm starting to believe that you have a thing for me"


I stared at the men in front of me acting like complete children. They probably didn't notice I was even there. I looked at the time it was midnight why don't I feel sleepy. I walked to the kitchen to find something to eat I opened the fridge the cabinets nothing seemed to catch my attention I repeated again thought that I missed something but I was wrong.


"Don't bloody...Mia me"

"She really does throw daggers"

"If Chris knew you're here you'd be toast"

"I think the right term would be grilled" Mario chuckled joining the conversation 'Make it boiled' I added nonchalantly.

They all stared at me I played with my lip pinching it with my two fingers.


There he was fuming raged and possibly going to wipe these two men with his spear at once.

If anyone asks I'm invisible.

"What the fuck"

Here we go I thought I closed my eyes, if they will fight I'm not looking or bothered to even tell them to stop let them fight to death for all I care.


"Well nice of you to join us...want a martini....not that there is one" Mario smiled warmly at Chris making his facial harden at the man in front of him.

"What did I ask from you before I left" I looked at Mario who crunched his eveybrows together trying to remember deeply what it was before he would be wipped along with blondie.


"Here's a hint something beginning with M ends with A"


"Take the R" Blondie stared then winked at me with a full devilish smirk playing on his lips.

The nerve!

"And the second A" Khaz joined in, what's this some kind of game show to them.

"Mia" Mario stated happily

"No her sister"

"Wait she has another sister named Mia" Mario asked confused "you dork" Blondie face palmed himself "what...what did I do".

"Oh shut it" Chris hissed out which made Mario and blondie go completely quite staring at the dull ground in front of them as for me the tv kept everything alive and well until Chris turned it off I sighed swallowing through my dry throat dear I'm thirsty.


"Sit your ass back down"

I turned slowly sitting my ass down as he requested me to he sighed in frustration unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt then completely taking it off throwing it at me "you want to be a man Cruz" my eyes completely open wide blondie approached approvingly toke his shirt off throwing it at me, again, what the hell I'm not a bloody basket you don't, you can't throw your damn shirts at me, freaking hell with them I took those shirts and threw it back on them landed straight on their faces I furiously slapped them both then headed out of the door from this awful overloaded house full of negativity.

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