Second finger 'pointer' don't shoot the massanger

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I don't know why I was going but curiousty got hold of me last night so I literally decided on investigating pulling my blue fitted pencil skirt and a black blouse to go inside the skirt slightly pulled from around so that it's not inside completely I put on my cream wedges and put my nude waist jacket on forgetting something I look here and there then I remember, my bag I snatch my bag as I head out.

Arriving in exactly twenty five minutes I sit there on a table looking for Michael here and there I did not spot him near the counter or coming out of the kitchen. Why when I need him he's not there?!


"So will you order me a drink" I heard a oh so familiar loathing voice which I admired strangely at the same time.

"Isn't that your job Mr. Stalker" I retorted with sarcasm dripping.

"Stalker? That Isn't-" he looked deeper into my eyes and so did I

"I don't care"  still looking at his brown eyes until I blink and head out of the cafe he follows straight and what seems to me like him trying to tackle me.

I should seriously start googling on what to bring with me if I meet a stalker why did I even agree to meet this jerk why didn't I google that? Why am I so dumb?

Fuck this

Fuck him

I'm hungry

I'm going home

Before I could try and escape he held me by both my wrist and shut me up with his spare hand.

"We are not done here understood?" I reluctantly nodded and closed my eyes. Should I bite his hand? Should I demonstrate my stupid ninja skills on him? Should I react? What should I do?

Oh Lord please help me!

Before I knew it I was covered with a handkerchief on my mouth and nose I made a mini prayer to God to have mercy on me then I was dragged and thrown in sliver car as I felt it moving, wasn't the only thing moving, I felt two strong masculine hands crease my leg then everything blacked out.

Where's Mic and Khaz when you bloody need them?


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