Chapter thirty-five

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[Playing the YouTube song in the background is completely the readers choice]

My head was covered body shook like maracas trying to breath for air was futile "Mia relax I can hear you breath like Santa" Mario warned me I hit his hand "fuck" he hissed out "get him here" I heard a rougher voice speak ''Mia don't panic" I heard blondie chuckle evily "please stop telling people to not panic it doesn't help, if you want to be the useful one you might want to untie us because that would be very helpful" grunting through the ropes he quit with a sigh "I see how it is, yeah, I'm always the bad guy, fuck you Cruz we got in this mess because of you" Chris nearly spat onto me great I'd rather be in between two wild animals right now if I had a choice 'hey idiots where's Khaź' I interrupted their ongoing arguments "shit I never thought of that" Chris probably went into panic mood making blondie groan in frustration "and here you are arguing with me" I hushed Blondie knocking him to the other side 'oh you're pushing me now is it' before I could take a breath I was knocked down on Chris "what the hell Mia" I tried to pull myself up "this fucker pushed me" I grunted in pain that came from my lower hip "you have a death wish" he spoke in a whisper "I hate you both" then the dark room as us three were in went into deadly silence before a light hit in my eyes as a door opened "get the girl".

(Unknown pov)
"Where are they" I sow my body guard place them both in front of me 'leave' I gestured him out of the room.

I looked at girl she looked nervous the other guy probably too but likewise men don't show fear "who are you and let us go" the girl anxiously spoke I smiled to myself "who am I or let you go" she murmured something in her language testing my patience which I had very little of right now, this girl doesn't know what she's in for yet I sow her gulp down in fear that's something I enjoy seeing hardly in a woman she amuses me "speak up dear" I was going to laugh hysterically until she spoke "fuck you" she was hit across the arm causing her to shake in her chair by the man next to her I tired seriously not break down in laughter God this is going to be gold.

Shokla daya nabela makha take them from here now

I went looking for my phone inside my pocket to make a call, pressing on the screen lock I dial the number on the fourth ring someone picked up "I have the girl" with that I place my iPhone s6 back in the breast pocket of my jacket and walked "let's do this"

Before I even stepped out of the door I was held back thrown knocked on the wall so hard I grunted in frustration I spun to see a smirking asshole "whatever happened to manners these days" landing a punch on his face he knocked me twice oh I love provoking this beast I thought to myself "you're still chasing shadows" I nearly went into a hysterical laughter "I've succeeded" my lip was bleeding and by the looks of it I got into mister big guy, that look of his is gold, see the thing I always win "don't mess with something you can't handle" I was pushed to the wall those eyes they really held pain, I'm sure who ever looks in these beasts eyes will see the same.

Before I could speak anything else he pointed the gun at me I chuckled at his stunt he landed a punch on the side of my face I breathed turning my head slowly to face him "go ahead shoot me Cruz" grunting in pain I tried to push myself up only landed down as he pushed me back "I have no business with you Kalim" I brightly smiled at the man he thinks he can just walk away like that I don't think so "once you're in....You're never out" I laughed so hard I swear he looked at me like I was a crazy person

Cruz's pov

"Hey look kick it near me" apparently the idiot sitting next to Mia had a spare pocket knife so we were here for more than one hour because the stupid idiot by the name of Chris totally forgot he had a weapon for an hour or so while we were having a hell of a time, sarcasm aside. I broke from the tape then helped Mia who was shaking like she was a leaf I calmed her by patting her shoulder, come on I'm not good with that sensitive shit, I freed the idiot and told him to take Mia while I take who ever in the hell held us inside this hell to pay a lot of shit for what they did.

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