Chapter nine

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After one week working at cafe khaź

"Mia I heard you're working I'm so proud of you" I heard my older sister's voice beam positively changing my bad mood. I haven't seen her for a week to. I miss her badly.

"Yeah my first job" and probably my last I wanted to add but I just nudged it off and hugged my sister so tightly that she shrieked

"Do you want to suffocate your older sister now" she said sarcastically.

"Yes with a hug" replying with a smile on my face, she really would brighten anyone's day I never liked seeing her sad or upset because it hurts me twice as much.

"Come on take me to your cafe I won't stay long I have to head back to Queensland but I promise you I will come back within a few weeks" I slightly frowned mentally but I smiled showing my pearly smile hugging her back tightly.

"Come on then let's not waste a second at home there are so many amazing dishes to eat from and I bet you'd love the hot chocolate because it's my favourite" my sister kissed my cheek and hugged me even tighter "you grow up so fast" just at the moment I felt happy tears form she's right I have and that's what scares me most growing up too fast.

"So, I wanted to ask about what happened with the police" my sister sighed lowering the volume of the radio.

"I have to be in court when I go back to Queensland" she looked at the road ahead with droopy eyes.

"I'm sorry" I said hopelessly not knowing what to do or say in this situation.

"It's not your fault, I got too carried away into his world I forgot about me" she smiled thinning her lips together.

"Still I'm your sister I care about you should be able to help with something" my sister looked at me with a cheeky grin.

"I don't know if I should but he has a beach house in sydney I was thinking something" she smiled inconcently

"Let me guess you want to torture him" she looked at me with wide eyes.

"How do you know" I blew raspberries "your my sister I know everything" I smiled back raising my eyebrows.

"And I thought I was with the scary ideas" I laughed and she shoke her head.

"I'll beat you any day" we finally arrived at the cafe

"Oh wow, look at that" my sister stoped and looked at the cafe when parking it in front.

"I'm so hungry Mim" Lara got out walking along side her sister into the restaurant opening the pull door "me more" a waiter come by to get them to their table.

"Mic" Mia hugged Michael "spongy" Michael chuckled "hows your day off" Mia giggled "awesome, oh Michael this my sister Lara, sis this is my friend Michael from high school" I introduced them to one another.

"Nice to finally meet you Michael" they shoke each others hands "pleasure Lara, right ladies this way to your table" he ushered us to table number eight as we both thanked him and looked through the menus deciding what to eat.

Michael came back taking our orders then after half an hour the food came by a different waiter "thank you" we both thanked the waitress before she left.

Unlike me my sister isn't afraid to display public food affection. She devoured in her food and looked up at me with a smile "sorry I'm really that hungry" she chuckled drinking her water right beside her I shoke my head "you're fine just I could not do what you do I'm too embarrassed around other people" she playfully winked eating with her fork "don't be".

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