Chapter twenty Finally 'twenty-two'

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I was walking to my room with the box in my hand.

"Can't wait to read all these" I murmured and entered my room.

I sat opening another letter which was addressed to my sister I opened it anyway

To my loving daughter Lara
I miss you, your mother and my little angel Mia

I'm proud of who you have become, you've went through the struggle but you've kept it all to yourself, Mia looks up to you, she sees your pain I'm sure, I don't want her to know everything not now anyway

Protect yourself your mother and sister someone will come after you

Paul will protect you and your sister

You need him my child, your fate is in his hands

From your loving father

I was speechless my thoughts were entirely numb I just can't believe this is happening.

Year after....

"Happy birthday" my sister hugged me excitedly.

"Open this I want you to have it now" she threw a present at me which gladly I caught.

"Why I didn't need anything" she always spoiled me on my birthday so I decided I didn't want her to get upset of rejecting her present I opened it ripping it excitedly"

"What is it" I asked in between ripping.

"Open it and see" she beamed excitedly'

Here goes nothing.

I looked at a very dull brown big box.

"If you won't open it in time I will"

Opening the box I sow bubble wrap all over it it's probably something fragile so I decided to slowly and easily pull it out which made my sister groan loud.

"Who's birthday is it sis"

"Yours of course" she smiled innocently.

I opened to see a very beautiful glass frame with different pictures of so many different beautiful memories I felt so teary this was the far best gift I received from anyone I really love my sister.

"I really love you, you know" she hugged me and we both embraced each other.

"Come let's go do some shopping"

"Okay only dresses and shoes"

"Don't forget jewellery" my sister added which made me shake my head"

[Hours later]

"How does this look on me"

"Beautiful as always" I smiled at my sister's sleepy face.

"I'll get this one" it was really beautiful it really made me look and feel like a princess, it was a cream coloured dress with a white silky ribbon around my waist with small bedding around the outlined v-shaped neckline that glitter in the light slightly, complimented with beautiful white stilettos, the dress was knee high so it showed my perfect tanned legs.

After the shopping trip my sister done my makeup and placed a beautiful hair clip at the top like a tiara I really really looked beautiful I'm finally twenty-two but I won't be saying that when I'm thirty I smiled to myself silently things move so quick.

Later on during the day.....

"Mmm....this cake is so good" taking a bite out of my sister's chocolate forest cake which was so deliciously good it melted right in my mouth instantly.

"I knew you'd like it"

"Like it?....I love it"

"I'm glad" my sister smiled and finished her second cake in her plate.

"I'm stuffed" I picked up my plate taking it to the sink my sister followed me inside leaving my mum behind indulge in her own cake peacefully. Going back to take the cake my mum stopped me in my tracks.

"Can you make us all greento" what she meant was green tea and by which she didn't mean for all of us she just wanted to drink so she found a perfect excuse I shook my head holding the cake and walked inside.

"Come inside then" like usual my mum got up with her plate in her hand with half a cake remaining she was really a slow eater never bothered me though I admire that she doesn't eat too much or too little but proportionality.

"Can I have some water I feel like I'm going to choke" for a petite woman she was adorable honestly at the age of sixty and no wrinkles God bless.

I felt like time was flying honestly, I looked at the clock on the wall I sat on the couch and thought back what really happened a year ago, that one letter that just destroyed me inside, I don't know weather to believe all this life, or is it a fragmentation. That one letter changed everything in my eyes I'm so tired of running away, I can see that both my sister and mum aren't happy about moving here but that's what I had to do that's what I did.

"I had to run away" I murmured softy laying on the soft leather couch listening to the clock tick as I fell asleep soundlessly.

"I wish I hadn't"

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