Chapter seven

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"Careful ash that's glass you're holding there" Michael scolded a little girl who looked about seven or eight years old. Nearly breaking the glass her little hands finally caught it placing it in Michaels hands.

"Oh sorry" she handed it to him then skipped along inside where it seemed to be the kitchen.

"mum what you doing here...I thought you're supposed to be busy planning the wedding today" I sow the woman smile then she looked at me unlike the death glares I would get from strangers she had a warm look from her deep hazel eyes that seemed rather sad in my opinion.

"I couldn't miss your first day at work" flashing her pearly whites she might be old but she seemed so youthful as if she was even younger than I am.

"Who's your lovely lady friend"

"why don't you introduce me to her" she looked at me and smiled
"This is Mia my friend from high school mum...we met in year six remember the pizza incident that I told you about....well that's how we became friends" his mother nodded looking at me pleasantly softly clutching on her son.

"Oh I remember you telling me about a very naughty year six girl helping you defeat those bullies who used to pick on you in the play ground never imagined she would be this beautiful and lady like" she smiled at me before placing her hands on both my shoulders I was blushing but I felt kind of like a frowning kid when she said lady like, I'm not really tomboyish you now I actually like pink baby pink that is.

"Come dear you must meet my other son he is the manager of cafe khaz" I nodded and she ushered me where it looked like a office room along with Michael"

"Excited working in the cafe" Michael smiled I wanted to tell him how horrified I was how scared of people I am how much I loathed being in crowded places but I kept reminding myself that he was always by my side and I should do the same he helped me in a lot of ways, offering me work in his brother's company as a thanks for what he as done for me all those years that we have been friends so expressionless I smiled towards him showing my naturally white teeth as I like to believe so, I nodded

"Can't you see how excited I am" oh I was a terrible liar he noticed and laughed at probably my stupidity.

"More like sleepy Mia I believe you'd doze in seconds if I gave you a pillow"

I frowned at him and pouted which made him laugh more harder as he hugged me tightly "don't worry you're not alone" just at that moment as he said that I wanted to cry I didn't know why I felt like how I did. Mood swings? Or was it because I actually felt alone? Or maybe because I am that way at home?

"I think I should come back another time" I heard an unfamiliar voice which snapped me and Michael out of the position we were in to look at a very tall well fitted middle aged man.

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