Chapter thirty-six

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[Playing the YouTube song in the background is completely the readers choice]

"I hate you" I stood confused then it took all the patience to hold my anger.


"Crap....someone help me"

"Paul help"

"Mia relax"

"Don't tell me to relax, why didn't you tell me about this before"

"Because we were not sure"

"So now you are" he just stared

"Are you hundred percentage sure Paul"

"Yes, yes I am"

"I want to see him"

"You can't"


"You just can't Mia" he sighed in agitation.

"What now, you protected me, nothing happened I'm back to my ordinary life, there's no more bad guys"

"Doesn't really work like that love"

"Well how does it work Paul because I don't know"

"If Cruz isn't dead then kalim isn't too"

"He'll still be after me and my sister wouldn't he?"

"We will protect you"

I looked around khaz smiled Michael gave me assuring node, Chris held my fingers tighter I sighed deeply looking back at Paul "when do we start" they all smiled.

"Thought I'd never see the day you getting involved in this kind of things"

"I'm sorry Paul to say this but you suck in reading people"

"Never was my job" he chuckled

I thought his marriage with my sister was a sham, turns out I don't know a lot about him too, my sister love's him to death, yes the intimidating Pali is a total sweetheart, he just doesn't show it to too many people, I like him now, that I see this side of him, I hope he doesn't miss treated my sister otherwise he would pay for it really badly.

"Got all your things" I smiled "yes" we're moving away to Europe, as a family, I'll be protected there since now Kalim knows our location and probably everything about us, this was the option running away. I really hope Cruz was alive like Paul said, I really hope so.

The sun hit my face when we drove on the free way, I'll miss my home, my ordinary life, but things change, things have to change, I have hope that everything will be better this time, I feel it, I promise I'll see you again Cruz I'll find you even when no one will bother looking, because, because I love you, I love your stupid ass, because you saved me, most of all because you're worth my time, I'll never give up hope, I know you're out there somewhere, alive.

"Mia want to play cards" Mic asked I shook my head playfully giggling "I'll watch you play because I'm not strong in playing cards" I watched as Michael and Chris play "suits yourself" they started playing, I zoned out, thinking, the only thing my mind was so consumed by were the thoughts of Cruz, I just couldn't get him out of my mind at all

"You zoned out" Chris snapped me out my reverie.

"Sorry just thinking"

"Here, you'll love this I made it for you specifically" I took the sandwich unwrapping it "thank you Chris" you'd never expected these four brothers to be so gently and caring with someone would you, neither would I, but like they say, a person's true colours will only show with time, definitely has proven that anyone deserves a second chance but only if that person truly means to make the most out of it.

Every ending has a new beginning mine, well mine only has just started.

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